Squirrel Alarm Clock

The last few days I've been waking up to the strangest noise. It sounds like someone is either walking around on the roof, or things are being tossed up there. Yesterday morning, DH caught the culprits in the act. It was just one or two squirrels, high up in the trees. They were pelting our house with pine cones. I'm dead serious. It's pretty ridiculous. Plus, it wakes TerraDactyl up as well, so even though I can ignore them and go back to sleep, I can't because I have to take care of my baby. I was perfectly content to let the squirrels do whatever, but I'm feeling less generous towards them these days. They've definitely escalated the bad neighbor behavior. Yesterday TerraDactyl spent some time harvesting and inspecting her hops. She's checking to see if they're ripe enough to make an IPA... If you can't tell by her face, it's a very serious business. It's been fun watching things grow and ripen and then trying ...