A Stroll in the Park

Trying on Da Da's boots

TerraDactyl has always been overly interested in the dishwasher.  Timing is essential when trying to load or unload it.  If she's too close, she tries to grab everything, or climb into it, or freaks out when you close it...  Lately, she's actually been helpful in unloading the dishwasher.  Well...  maybe "helpful" is pushing it a bit.  But, she's trying.  She'll remove one item at a time and hand it to me.  It's pretty sweet.  A bit slower than by myself, but not too bad.  

A ball!

Lately, TerraDactyl has been bringing DH or I a sock and insisting we put it on her.  She'll bring one over to me and lift up her right foot (always the right foot).  When she comes back with another sock and lifts her right foot I always say something along the lines of "you've already got a sock on that foot.  Let's put this one on your other foot." And she'll let me put it on the other foot no problem.

Wow, this ball is *really* big

The other morning, I came out of my bedroom to find DH playing with TerraDactyl.  And when TerraDactyl came over to greet me, she had FOUR socks on her right foot!  All stacked one on top the other.  When I remarked on her abundance of socks, DH said "she kept telling me to put it on that foot, so I did."  Clearly, TerraDactyl gets her silliness from her father.  ;)

This is the best ball.  I will love it forever.

The other day, TerraDactyl and I met up with some friends to go strolling in a park.  It was fun.  The other little girls we met up with were 2 years old, so a bit older than TerraDactyl, but still pretty close in age.  One of the little girls was SUPER outgoing.  Talking and smiling to everybody.  Tossing balls with us all.  The other little girl took a bit longer to warm up to us.  She mostly wanted to watch for the first 15 minutes or so.  After she finally opened up though, they two 2 year olds were just having a blast chasing each other and running around having fun.  

Do you want to hold my ball?

TerraDactyl however...  spent the whole time sitting in the grass holding her Cheerios.  Half the time she wasn't even facing the other kids.  She wouldn't even stand up and walk.  Well...  until they all moved off away from us.  Then TerraDactyl got up and wandered over to the tree next to us and started playing with the bark at the base.  But she must have been having fun because when it was time for us to head out she got mad when I put her in her stroller.  TerraDactyl NEVER objects to the stroller.  She loves going for rides.  So while she wasn't exactly a social butterfly (huge surprise considering her parents), I'll still file this outing under "success."

Say "Ritz crackers!"


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