My Name is Still Mom

TerraDactyl had her first day of school.  It went super smoothly.  She had zero problems with us dropping her off with a bunch of strangers.  Once the teacher said she could play with the toys in the room, she had no more interest in her parents.  And DH and I suddenly had 3 child-free hours!  

Here's one of the last photos of me pregnant.  Do you think these vertical lines are slimming?  I know I look huge.  There's a good reason for that...

This little grumpy troll (aka SaraTops) was born on July 14 at 2:42pm, weighing 9 lbs, 10 oz!  She was a big one!  More than a pound heavier than TerraDactyl was, but an inch shorter (20.5" vs 21.5")!  

SaraTops is actually much more attractive than that last picture indicates.  We refered to her as Norm throughout the pregnancy because Norm MacDonald is DH's favorite comedian and DH suggested we name her after him.  I did not agree to that plan, but I did allow Norm as a nickname while we chose an actual name.  And true to form, we did not finalize our name choice until after the birth, while we were in the hospital.  

TerraDactyl was excited to meet her little sister.  She couldn't wait for a video chat with Norm and even after we brought Norm home, TerraDactyl has remained positive.  I'm optimistic for a loving and harmonious relationship between the two sisters.  

Unfortunately, TerraDactyl got sick the day we brought SaraTops home from the hospital.  She was all excited to go on a trip with Daddy to the grocery store and then immediately conked out in the grocery cart.  TerraDactyl stopped napping when she was 2, but when she gets sick, we can always tell because she starts napping.  

And then there are TerraDactyl's pretend naps...  She'll use just about anything as a blanket.  Rugs, bathroom floor mats, grippy bathtub mats...

TerraDactyl is VERY interested in hugging and holding her little sister.  She's requested to hold SaraTops at least once a day.  TerraDactyl does pretty well at it.  But she often hugs people and dogs quite firmly, so we're constantly reminding her to hug SaraTops gently, just in case.  

TerraDactyl has been putting on an invisible cowboy costume for months.  It's pretty adorable.  She'll mime putting each piece of clothing on, one at a time.  Now that I'm no longer pregnant, I finally climbed up into the attic and got her an actual cowboy costume to wear.  She seems to really like it.  And it's pretty adorable.  

We can see just how much TerraDactyl likes SaraTops here.  She's introducing SaraTops to Mickey Mouse, which is a pretty big deal if we're honest.  TerraDactyl loves Mickey.  

DH took TerraDactyl to the fair the other day and she loved it.  They were gone for almost 6 hours!  It was a super hot day so I figured DH would be back after like an hour (he does not do heat well).  But he kept texting me adorable pictures of TerraDactyl playing with all the fun stuff.  TerraDactyl obviously doesn't mind the heat, based on the fact that she's wearing a stocking cap while at the fair.  

TerraDactyl took over the giant Connect 4 game and started sorting all the colored pieces.  And when other kids wanted to put a piece in, she'd try to instruct them on where to put the piece so it wouldn't mess up her sorting scheme.  Take a look at the boots TerraDactyl insisted on wearing on this 100+ degree day.  That's right, she's got her faux fur lined snow boots on.  She really, really, really likes those boots.

TerraDactyl also started a little impromtu drum circle with a random friend she made.  It could be a coincidence, but I've never seen TerraDactyl interact with an unknown child like this before she started going to summer camp.  So I think it's likely that pre-school seems to have a positive impact on her sociability.  


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