Summer Camp


Tomorrow TerraDactyl will be starting her first day of summer camp.  It's twice a week for 3 hours each day.  The class is super small (5 kids) and they're all 3 or 4 years old.  It's only for the month of July.  Hopefully, she'll like it.  It's a nut-free building, so I was struggling to find filling snacks for TerraDactyl to bring with her.  I ended up finding these snack cups of olives and pouches of pickles.  I was so excited about my find.  And you know what DH had to say?  "Olives and pickles for snacks?  What are you trying to get TerraDactyl bullied?"  :P  (I'm still packing the olives for her).

TerraDactyl really does like olives though.  She seems to kind of like the pickles, but the olives pretty much always get cleaned off her plate.  I'd also like to point out that neither DH nor I taught her to shove the olives onto her fingers.  She just started doing that one day.  Maybe it's innate...  I think TerraDactyl told her first riddle the other day.  She asked DH and me "What goes up and down?"  We came up with all sorts of responses:  tree branches blowing in the wind, a bouncing ball, a kid on a trampoline, etc.  TerraDactyl finally just interrupted us and said "A see-saw!"  It was pretty funny.  

Well, this might be my last post for a little while.  On Thursday, we'll be adding a second baby to the family, so I'm not sure how much opportunity I'll have to post.  I'll do my best.  We should at least have some good newborn pics to post.  Maybe I'll just post pictures with minimal commentary...


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