A Parade!

Check out all the candy TerraDactyl collected from the 4th of July Parade!  DH said she had a blast running out and picking up the candy.  For most of the parade they were spaced pretty far away from other kids so she actually had a chance to get the candy.  After a while though, another family with older kids camped out on their other side and they pretty much cleaned up the street before TerraDactyl could get to it.  She's not super aggressive with these things (yet - I'm sure she'll inherit a decent dose of competitiveness).  Also, check out her awesome snow boots that she insisted on wearing.  She's such a nut.

Parade snacks!  DH and I weren't sure what kind of parking there would be, so they drove to a train stop and rode the train downtown.  TerraDactyl was super excited about the train ride.  DH wanted to walk back to the car after the parade, but TerraDactyl insisted on riding the train back.  

A bit surprisingly, TerraDactyl was actually pretty good about sharing her candy.  She insisted that I eat some, and even got DH to eat some.  And here she is assigning her friends candy that matches their clothes...

If you're wondering why I didn't go to the parade, it's because we all got sick a bit ago.  I was the last to get sick, so I was still recovering on the 4th.  I figured I should stay home rather than go to a crowded place and cough on everyone.  Even if I was sad to miss TerraDactyl's first parade.  We can always tell just how awful TerraDactyl feels based on whether or not she actually naps.  She fell asleep sitting up on the couch, so I just sort of slid her down so she wouldn't get a crick in her neck.  I didn't want to wake her up by moving her all the way to her bed.  She ended up napping for like 3 hours.  

TerrDactyl has been asking when her little sister is coming, so I tried to make it more visual with a count-down chain.  (This is a while ago - we're at 8 days right now).  She liked making the chain and even helped tape some of the rings.  But she's not a fan of the chain getting shorter.  She was pretty upset when she figured out I'd been taking a ring off every night after she went to bed.  

We've got elephant garlic growing right outside our dining room window and the hummingbirds like the big round flowers.  I'm not sure how well you can see it, but there's a hummingbird above the last flower on the right.  Just in front of the raspberry bushes.  I sat there and watched him flit from one flower to the next, right on down the line.  

TerraDactyl still likes olives.  I bought all the ingredients to make pizza right before we all got sick and then didn't really want TerraDactyl to help make pizza when she was sick...  So we just ended up letting her eat all the toppings straight form the containers.  She didn't really seem to care that it wasn't on a pizza...

TerraDactyl was so excited to eat some cashew that she started doing a little dance.  Lately she's been doing this gallop/chasse thing when she's excited.  In the second video (below) you can hear her make a ridiculous "chomping" noise every time she puts a cashew in her mouth.  


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