
Best bed-head ever
 Well, TerraDactyl is now capable of not only unzipping her sleep sack, but completely removing it and chucking it across the room.  She doesn't do it every time she sleeps, but she's done it a few times.  Sometimes she just paces back and forth in her crib while wearing the sleep sack.  I think we'll continue to use it because I like the ritual of it.  I think it helps her to know that it's time to sleep, not play.  But sometimes she still uses nap time as a time to play with her stuffed animals for an hour instead of sleeping.  

TerraDactyl had her first experience with crayons the other day.  She really liked it.  She loved emptying the entire box.  She liked dropping them all on the floor.  She liked picking through them all to choose the right crayon.  She even used them to draw.  She played for quite some time before she decided to start chewing on the crayons.  At that point I tried redirecting her back to drawing, but she was really focused on the chewing.  She pitched a bit of a fit when I said coloring time was over, but then she ate a bunch of food for lunch.  So I'm hopeful that the crayon eating was merely a symptom of hunger, not a lifestyle choice.

I did all the dark stuff, as a demonstration.  TerraDactyl did the light stuff.  She's actually ridiculously gentle with how hard she pushes the crayons.  And she didn't try to draw anywhere other than on the paper.  That one really surprised me.

DH was pumping up the tires to the stroller here.  Turns out that presta valve I was trying to fill was just really hard.  I didn't try any of the other tires.  They were fine.  That one tire though, needed pliers to hold it still so the pump could fit on it.  But the tires are now fully pumped up!  

Blowing kisses to DH as he works on the tires.  TerraDactyl "blows" kisses so funny.  She purses her lips and then sucks the top lip up into her nostrils and then "blows" it by relaxing her top lip so that she ends up sucking a bunch of air into her nose.  So really, she's not blowing kisses, she's actually sucking them up.  It's really cute though.  

We call this picture the Lincoln Memorial.  She's just so intense.  As a warning, I have a feeling that pretty much every picture from now on will be TerraDactyl wearing this blue Elmo jacket.  She LOVES this jacket.  She's asked to wear it every day this week.  Even when I put her in long sleeves, just in case she was cold.  She still wanted the jacket on.  It's kind of weird.  She's never even watched Sesame Street, so it's not like she's enamored with the Elmo on it.  She just really likes it.  She'll find it wherever it is and run over to me so I can put it on her.  


  1. That's so much fun! I look forward to seeing that drawing framed :) She is SO adorable!

    1. Thanks! We think she's pretty adorable, too! I'm not sure how well the drawing will frame though... I used the back of an old shipping label that she'd been carrying around for a week, so it was in pretty rough shape to begin with. :)


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