Urgent Care Visit!

Got my potato chips, now I just need a snack corner

We had an exciting day yesterday.  On our way to give TerraDactyl a bath, she poked me in the eyeball.  It hurt BAD.  I basically couldn't do anything but ice it for 2 hours.  It was pretty terrible.  It hurt to open my eye, it hurt to move my eye, it hurt to not maintain pressure on my eye...  It even hurt to open up my unaffected eye.  DH got me a web doctor appointment and they said I needed to go to urgent care so the doctor could check me out in person.  

What goes in here?

Since I was actively icing my eyeball, I couldn't wear glasses.  I figured I would be OK without them for a bit.  I regularly walk around without my glasses at home.  I used to compete gymnastics without my glasses.  I didn't really think about the fact that I was going to a location where I'd never been before.  DH and TerraDactyl didn't come inside with me (to avoid unnecessary contact with the outside world).  And all the signs are written assuming patients have reasonable vision.  I couldn't read anything.  It was kind of surreal just sort of wandering around and getting redirected by helpful personnel.  Fortunately, I had an ice pack on my eye, so it was a pretty obvious "I can't see well" sign.  

Waiting patiently for Mama

It took about 2 hours.  Which is a long time when you're in pain (and have been in pain for a while).  And usually I might have been a bit more impatient.  But about half way through that the doc popped in just long enough to give me a numbing eye drop before he had to run back out to finish someone else's appointment.  He left me instructions to just lay back and keep that eye closed.  So of course, I just took a nap.  Lay down with your eyes closed for an unspecified amount of time?  Who can actually do that without falling asleep?  I'm not sure how long I slept, but I felt great when the doctor came back in.  

The doctor gave me another eye drop that fluoresced under a black light and found that TerraDactyl did indeed scratch my cornea.  It was a nice straight scratch, not too deep and off to the side of my vision.  He said it should heal in a couple days and not affect my vision very much.  He even took a picture of my eye so I could see the green line myself.  It was pretty cool.  He gave me a prescription for a topical antibiotic to avoid infection and that was that.  All in all, it was a very relaxing visit.  I thoroughly enjoyed my nap, and as you can see in the videos, TerraDactyl, had fun in the car.  I'm not sure how much DH enjoyed hanging out in the car when it was 90 degrees, but...  two out of three ain't bad, eh?


  1. We worry about our kids having to go to urgent care, but then they put us there? I'm glad you're okay.

    1. I know, right? I've been dreading TerraDactyl's first illness/injury, but turns out she's pretty sturdy so far (knock on wood). Thank goodness! It does make a certain kind of sense that TerraDactyl would be the one to send me to the urgent care though, I mean, she put me in the hospital for three days just by arriving in this world! :)


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