Knee Socks

TerraDactyl's obsession with knee socks has spread to include MY socks.  The other day she insisted that I put my socks on her.  And as these socks go up to my knees, they're ridiculously long on TerraDactyl.  Even with them pulled up all the way to her hips.  And since they're my socks, they don't have grippies on the bottom, so she slides a bit when she walks fast.  So she was walking pretty exaggeratedly.  But she still insisted on wearing them for three hours.

When we were walking around the yard, TerraDactyl asked to go in the car.  And by asked, I mean she pointed at it and looked at me.  When I opened the door, she moved to get inside.  Of course, when Riley saw the open door, he had to get in, too.  And somehow, with the entire car for them to play in, they both ended up in the same foot-well.  

This is TerraDactyl spying on the neighbors.  They were in their yard talking, and she just about walked up to the fence so she could watch them better.  In this picture, she's actually waving at them.  It's kind of funny, but she'll only wave at strangers when they're not looking at her.  She loves watching the neighbors though.  Sometimes when she's in her high chair, she'll lean all the way over sideways to see them out in their yard.  

I was trying to get TerraDactyl ready for bed last night and after I got all her clothes off, she grabbed my socks and her Elmo coat and ran out into the living room where DH was so she could ask him to put them on her.  Anything to avoid going to sleep apparently.  We've switched to size 4 night time diapers because TerraDactyl kept over-filling her size 3 diapers.  Too much night time nursing, but she won't go back to sleep if I don't nurse her.  Hopefully it's just a phase and she'll grow out of it.


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