Food Truck Friday

TerraDactyl loves wearing her teething necklaces.  They pop open pretty easy, so she's often bringing them to me so I can snap them back together.  Then she'll drape it back over her head and wander off.  I find this absolutely fascinating because I do not wear necklaces.  I used to wear the teething necklaces sometimes, but TerraDactyl never really got into chewing on them.  So I'm not really sure if she's just found a convenient storage place for the necklace, or if she likes accessorizing, or what.  I think we might be raising a fashionista.

We live just outside of a neighborhood that has organized a "Food Truck Friday".  Every Friday a different food truck comes to the neighborhood.  We saw the signs while we were out on our daily walks.  It was burgers this week.  DH and I don't usually eat out, but it seemed like a fun summer thing to do, so we went ahead and walked there with TerraDactyl in the stroller.

And it was fun.  There was a bit of a line though.  We were there for about an hour waiting to order (and then waiting for our food).  TerraDactyl spent the first half just hanging out in her stroller.  But then she wanted out.  It took her a while to do anything other than lean on the fence next to us.  But eventually she wanted to explore.  We walked up and down the sidewalk near the line several times.  I think she was showing off for the neighbors.  

And then TerraDactyl found the mailboxes.  Which have package boxes at the bottom...  with KEYS.  It's a very tempting combination:  keys AND a cabinet door??  DH spent quite some time trying to distract her from the mailboxes.  

AND THEN...  the lady who was in line in front of us brought her dog when she came to pick up her food.  TerraDactyl flipped out.  She was SO excited to meet this dog.  It was a very friendly dog who was also excited to meet TerraDactyl.  It looked like some sort of poodle mix or something, so it was a pretty big dog.  TerraDactyl kept trying to hug it.  I'm a little worried that she has ZERO fear of dogs.  But then of course, the dog had to go home.  And it was basically her bedtime.  And it was our turn to get the food so I started to put TerraDactyl back into the stroller so we could head home...  All of these things created the perfect storm.  We had a major meltdown.  Poor TerraDactyl.  She didn't even get to try any of the burgers we waited so long for.  

This weekend has been crazy hot!  It got over 100 degrees (DH finally got a chance to win his "exercise in 100 degree weather" badge).  And yet, TerraDactyl STILL wanted to spend a significant amount of time outside.  I didn't take her on a walk because I was worried she'd overheat, but we still wandered around in the garden for hours.  She's picking up gross pears in this picture.  She carried those things around for so LONG and she would not let me throw them out.  The pears are so gross because our poor pear tree has a "pear scab" fungus.  The previous owner said they'd never needed to spray the pear tree, so this is either a new issue, or they just never ate the pears...  

Since it was so hot, TerraDactyl and I played hose.  Of course, Riley didn't want to be left out of the fun.  TerraDactyl had a whole route set up.  We'd play hose for a while and then we'd wander up onto the deck and then back down for some more hose time.  She was having so much fun.  Until she wasn't.  Just like the night before, her meltdown came quick and furiously.  

I was trying to strip a soaking wet swimsuit off a screaming TerraDactyl who refused to let me put her down while I hurried inside.  TerraDactyl basically refused all attempts at feeding her actual food, she just wanted to nurse.  I managed to get her changed into a nighttime diaper before nursing her, which is a good thing because TerraDactyl fell asleep after about 5 minutes of nursing.  She was so tired.  It was pretty hot inside and since she was already asleep, I just put her to bed naked, no sleep sack.  I figured she'd be hungry later, so I could put it on her if she got cold.  But the night temperatures stayed high enough that it never really cooled down inside.  So she spent the whole night naked.  


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