Naked Baby!


TerraDactyl's first skinned knee.  She wasn't even running -- just walking and she tripped in our driveway.  She was only wearing a onesie, so the asphalt did a number on her delicate skin.  So now TerraDactyl wears pants outside, even if its 100 degrees.  

On Monday, TerraDactyl insisted on wearing her swimsuit while we were just wandering around the house.  We never even played in the hose that day.  She just really likes her swimsuit.  :)

After getting back from a walk, TerraDactyl insisted on carrying Riley's leash and wearing DaDa's hat.  It was pretty adorable.  She was so proud of herself.  

Unfortunately, I do not have a photo or video of this, but it was SO funny.  It's been pretty hot here and we don't have air conditioning, so on the really hot nights I've been putting TerraDactyl to sleep at night in nothing but her diaper.  Well, yesterday morning when I walked into her room to get her up, TerraDactyl was sitting with her legs in a "W" position and her arm behind her.  I reached out to pick TerraDactyl up and she whipped her arm out from behind her... and handed me her diaper (she also gave me a smile).  At some point after her 4am feeding, TerraDactyl managed to completely remove her diaper.  It was hilarious.  The good news is, I'm pretty sure she didn't take her diaper off until just before I came to get her because her bedding was still dry.  So, that's another benefit of wearing pajamas/sleep sack that I hadn't thought of before...


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