Pants are OK, but Tights are OUT


A good rule of thumb that I've discovered:  if it's annoying for me to try and dress myself in it, it's going to be way worse trying to get a toddler dressed in it.  Therefore, while pants are now acceptable clothing, tights are NOT.  I tried dressing TerraDactyl in tights and she was adorable.  But it was just such a huge pain that at the first diaper change those tights went straight into the laundry basket.  

Also, the feet were rotated 90 degrees to the legs!  It made them even more annoying to put on.  And while TerraDactyl didn't exactly complain (it's not like she's talking yet), I can't imagine that it was comfortable.  Also, notice that in the picture above, TerraDactyl has started smiling crooked.  She's got both her bottom teeth under one of her upper teeth.  I'm not sure why she's started doing this, but it is kind of cute.  Speaking of cute...  I LOVE this dress.  It's adorable.  And it has pockets!  Not that TerraDactyl knows what to do with pockets, but I totally want a dress like this for me.  

The other day I was reading a book to TerraDactyl and one of the pages was a train.  When she pointed at it and I said "train", she pointed to the corner of her room.  It took me a second before I realized that is where her wooden train was!  This was SO exciting for me.  TerraDactyl has repeated this process a couple of times when we read that book, so I think she might actually know what a train is - or at least that this toy is also called train.  

I finally repaired our fancy BOB stroller.  The webbing holding the buckle of the 5 point harness just disintegrated.  I hardly pulled on it at all and it just broke in two.  So I had to get some webbing and sew the buckle back on.  It's not exactly professional looking, but it totally works.  

I think TerraDactyl still prefers her tiny monster stroller, because her field of view isn't as restricted.  But I prefer the giant stroller because I don't have to bend over.  Plus, it's nice having the sun shade, especially since TerraDactyl refuses to wear hats.  

Now I just need to figure out how to put air in a presta valve.  I swear, every time I need to fill up a bike tire with a presta valve it's this huge crazy production.  Maybe it's just that the attachment on my bike pump isn't very good, but I feel like I always have to use the air compressor and just sort of jam it against that stupid metal peg in the middle.  sheesh.  Obviously I'm doing something wrong because presta valves are supposed to be superior or whatever, but if you can't get air into the tube that makes it seem pretty gosh darn worthless to me.  


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