Meatballs or Bust!

Goin' on a bear hunt

TerraDactyl is transitioning into her fully carnivore self.  She's currently only eating meatballs (well, and Cheerios & bran flakes).  And not just any meatballs.  They have to be the meatballs from Winco that are a combo of chicken, beef, and pork.  Kirkland meatballs are not acceptable.  

Here puppy, puppy, puppy...

She can really eat those meatballs, too.  She can shovel them into her mouth faster than I can cut them up.  It's exciting to see her eating a new food, I just wish that she would still eat some of the other foods.  She's never really eaten veggies and now she's basically cut out her fruits too.  And beans!  I can't believe the way she turned her back on her most favored food.  Not that that I can really blame her.  If I had a choice between meatballs and beans, I'd choose meatballs.  :D

Reading mommy's library book, in the reading corner

One good thing about TerraDactyl loving the Winco meatballs is that they have both milk and cheese in them.  Earlier, she had some negative reactions to milk, so I thought she might be allergic (and I was terrified of the thought of converting my fridge to non-dairy).  But, at her 15 month visit, the pediatrician suggested that I try milk again to see if she still reacts to it.  I've also been trying to get TerraDactyl to eat egg whites, but so far, she's rejected them every time I've offered them.  I'll just have to keep trying.

Let's find a book with more pictures in it...


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