Oma and Opa Came to Town

Oma and Opa have been traveling for a while and they just got back home. The same day they arrived home, Oma told Opa they needed to come down to see TerraDactyl. Opa managed to convince her they should wait at least a few days before leaving town again. So they came down to visit Tuesday and Wednesday. TerraDactyl tried some smashed carrots and was not super impressed. She didn't throw a fit or anything, but she did make a face. She was willing to open up for another bite, but then she just pushed it back out of her mouth. I'm not sure that we're making much progress on the whole introducing food front. An apple a day keeps the doctor away We got a lot of walks with Oma and Opa. And while we were on a walk we decided to try out a playground. I don't think TerraDactyl can quite handle the baby swings yet, they seem a bit too big for her, and she's not awesome about sitting up yet. So instead, we tried tandem swingi...