Filling Those Footie Pajamas Up

Tuesday is bath time for TWICE the fun!  We started out today with a bath and nail clipping.  I'd forgotten to clip TerraDactyl's nails on Friday and going a whole week between clippings is no good.  She's getting too good at grabbing and holding - those nails are brutal. 

More pictures mom?  Really?

(Trigger Warning - it's about to get poopy)  Anyways, around 3pm, TerraDactyl had a spectacular poop while playing in her jumper.  When I took her to change her diaper I found out that her diaper had leaked.  A LOT.  All the way down her legs and into the toes of her footie pajamas.  My mother had told me stories about this happening, but I just assumed she was exaggerating.  I mean really.  There's no way a baby can hold that much poop.  HA.  They can. 

Most footie pajamas have faces on the feet.  These are the first pair I've seen with feet on the feet.

I just about had hysterical breakdown laughing and trying to figure out how to deal with the situation.  TerraDactyl had her diaper changing toy in hand, but I had to get her out of her pajamas.  When I got her to let go of the toy, she reached straight for all that poop.  It was quite a feat of dexterity and calm speed.  We got through it with minimal disgusting mess.  But the changing pad cover had to be laundered as well as everything on TerraDactyl. 

Daddy is so lucky to get a clean TerraDactyl

I made a minimal effort to clean her up and just carried her straight back to the kitchen for another bath (with my arms extended).  Fortunately, I hadn't put away all the bath supplies yet.  It was almost more of a shower, I ended up emptying the tub like four times to make sure I got her cleaned up fully.  It was a great 45 minute diaper change.  :)

Look at her lifting those hips up!!  


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