Pregnancy Bunions!

This weekend DH, TerraDactyl, Riley, and I took a long walk.  During the course of our walk, the ball of my foot starting hurting - A LOT.  A lot, a lot.  When we got home, I took a look at my foot and saw the ball of my foot was swollen.  It's been bothering me for a while (many months), but I just sort of assumed that I'd jammed it at some point and it was just taking a while to heal.  This weekend it hurt too much to ignore and pawn off on a previous (and un-remembered) injury.  In fact, it looks like a bunion. 

TerraDactyl holding her plank

To be honest, I was a bit more than annoyed to discover I'd developed a bunion.  I mean, I NEVER wear heels, and I NEVER wear pointy toed shoes.  I literally only wear sandals and tennis shoes.  How the heck did I develop a bunion?  And most annoying is that according to my internet research, I can't get rid of it without surgery.  Hopefully they mean I can't get rid of the swelling, but I can get rid of the pain...  Since I don't wear restrictive shoes, the swelling isn't that big of a deal.  But I'd like to be able to walk, squat, kneel, etc. without pain.

TerraDactyl's morning face

As I continued researching bunions I discovered some very interesting information.  Apparently, 70% of women end up developing a bunion, and it most often started developing in one's early 20's.  Horrific torture device shoes can cause problems, but...  so can PREGNANCY!  The rapid weight gain, swollen feet (causing shoes to fit improperly), AND hormones (relaxin strikes again!) can cause women to develop a bunion - or aggravate an existing one.  So, just when a woman needs to be chasing after a little one and bending down to the ground, her feet betray her and make it painful.  :(  I'm still a bit miffed if you can't tell.  Anyways, if you're pregnant and the ball of your foot hurts, don't ignore it like I did.  Keep an eye on it because you can't get rid of a bunion once it develops.  Now I've got to go talk to a doctor to make sure I've covered my basis correctly.  I'm hoping it's just tendinitis.  :D

TerraDactyl munching on mommy's teething necklace

DH and I think TerraDactyl might be teething.  She's chomping on everything and maybe a bit more irritable than normal.  The other day she bit down so hard on DH's finger she almost broke the skin.  He had a nice little divot in his finger.  Still no visible teeth yet though.

DH recorded the following video of him jiggling the giggles out of TerraDactyl.  It's a bit dim, so it's hard to see, but TerraDactyl is holding onto DH's foot while he jiggles her.  She was having a blast!


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