
TerraDactyl has been adding to her bag of tricks pretty quickly.  She can now eat her toes.  She worked up to this trick.  TerraDactyl started out reaching for her toes with her hands, then grabbing them, then pulling them toward her mouth, but just yesterday was the first successful foot-in-mouth that I've observed. 

TerraDactyl's first documented foot-in-mouth

TerraDactyl is also continuing to work on her crawling motions.  They're getting better, but still no forward progress.  In fact, when she practices, she actually ends up moving backwards.  They're just small little scoots, but if she spends 15 minutes on her belly, she'll end up scooting backwards a foot or so. 

Get that knee up there!  Higher!

Yesterday while I was watching TerraDactyl during her tummy time (and taking photos), she was going through a pattern.  Push into a knee push up position, lower herself down to a Superman position, push up into a knee push up position, lower down to a Superman position.  Well...  in one of these cycles she forgot to LOWER down to the Superman position.  She tried to just lift her arms up, and she didn't even arch her back, so she just fell straight down onto her forehead.  It was a pretty good bonk.  She was obviously upset, but I didn't see any bruising today, so that's a relief.  I know with toddlers, your reaction greatly affects how upset the kid gets, but I'm not sure about babies.  Right now my gut reaction is to rush in and cuddle, so hopefully I don't end up training TerraDactyl to cry over every little spill. 

The scene I found when I walked in on DH's bedtime story time...

Here's a quick video of TerraDactyl's workout routine.  This is towards the end, so she's getting tired.  It's kind of amazing watching how hard babies work on their muscles.  They've got so much perseverance.  I wonder when we learn laziness.  Probably when we make the mental connection between workouts and sore muscles...


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