Reaching for More

Lately TerraDactyl has been reaching more and more.  Her grabbing abilities have improved quite a bit, too.  So now she's able to reach for and grab items pretty well.  She's even managed to pull the glasses off my face a couple of times. 

Toes!!  Did you know there were toes in here?

TerraDactyl is also getting better at sitting upright.  She's not great at it, but she's getting better. 

Look ma', no hands!

TerraDactyl has been more and more comfortable during tummy time.  She's happy there for quite a while.  She's experimenting with crawling motions, and she's added in more time doing Supermans.

It's like flying

This weekend we had some pretty good weather.  Probably some of the last nice weather of the year, so we took some very long walks.  We managed to find some hills too, so it was an even better workout.  At one point, we were pretty far from home when TerraDactyl needed a diaper change.  It was pretty funny.  There wasn't anywhere to change her, so I was holding TerraDactyl up in the air while DH replaced her diaper.  It was a bit awkward, but it did allow us to basically double the length of our walk. 

First time using the sunglasses

Story time with Dad before bedtime

Saturday morning family snuggle time


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