Sleep Zombies

Saturday we were supposed to meet up and play another round of Werewolf Legacy, but we didn't have enough people that were able to make it.  So we ended up playing other games instead - Bang and an Escape Room game.  It was fun, even if we didn't get to play Werewolf.


Sunday was a weird day.  TerraDactyl and I had a rough night.  I spent a lot of time rocking her to sleep, so I didn't sleep well.  I was awake long enough that I couldn't just drop back to sleep, and then TerraDactyl would wake up before I could get myself relaxed and fall back asleep.  So I spent like half the night in this weird half-doze and woke up with a sleep deprived headache.  I was pretty out of it on Sunday.  I spent half the day napping and then went to bed early.  DH got a lot of quality time with TerraDactyl.

She looks ready for sleep, right?

Speaking of our sleeping issues...  We've had some success rocking TerraDactyl to sleep, but she definitely has a preferred rocking method.  It's a side to side lunge.  No measly gentle rocking for TerraDactyl.  Only maximum effort will do.  I would think the lunges would make my quads sore, but it's my calves that are killing me.  They might be the most sore they've ever been.

TerraDactyl going all out for her photo shoot.  

TerraDactyl's really growing.  I broke out the 6-9 month sized clothes and I'm thinking about getting the 6-12 month clothes as well.  I'm not really sure what the difference in size is between those two.  Seems a bit weird.  We've got a ton of onesies, but not as many footie pajamas, which is a bit of a shame, since I like those so much.  :)  But since I've started using the leg warmers, I can actually use the onesies, so that's good.

Family snuggle time!


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