Bad Sleeping Habits

TerraDactyl and I have fallen into some bad habits with nursing and sleeping.  It started slowly.  She falls asleep easily while nursing.  So in the middle of the night, I'd nurse her back to sleep because it was fast and a sure thing.  Next, when napping TerraDactyl went from napping in my arms to only napping when she could also nurse.  Seriously, she eats in her sleep and she wakes up when I unlatch her.  So, I let her keep nursing so she could get a good nap in.

She really wanted that strap

Now we're to the point where I think TerraDactyl actually eats more at night than during the day.  Which means she pees more at night, which means more middle of the night diaper changes.  At one point, TerraDactyl would allow me to sleep a good 4-5 straight hours at a stretch.  Now we're basically up every 90 minutes.  Clearly, we've got some bad habits to break. 

Who loves eating??  This girl!

There is a thing called sleep regression, which is where babies don't sleep as well - usually during growth spurts and stuff.  But this has been going on for a while, so I think I've trained these bad habits into TerraDactyl.  DH just had a conversation with a guy from work who has a 2 year old and they're trying to break up the feeding-sleeping association and really struggling with it.  I'm hoping it won't be so bad for us since we're dealing with it earlier... 

Usually when TerraDactyl wakes me up in the middle of the night it's because she's upset.  But the other night she woke me up with her happy babbling.  It started around 4:40am or so.  I hoped she'd go back to sleep on her own (obviously I'm beyond optimistic when I'm sleepy).  But she kept it up for 20 minutes, so I finally gave up and put her back to sleep (by feeding her - because this was before my wake-up call). 


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