Big Girl Push Ups!

TerraDactyl just learned to do knee push ups and now she's working on real push ups!  It's crazy how fast she progressed through that.  She's still scooting backwards, but now that she's in a full push up position, I think she scoots backwards a wee bit faster. 

Pretty good form for her first day!

We're still working on our sleeping.  Since TerraDactyl seems to sleep so well when she's next to me in bed, I'm experimenting with recreating that environment in her bassinet.  I've got a heavier (weight and warmth) blanket to put on her.  I think she like snuggling with body heat, so I actually end up putting two blankets on her.  I think it helps.  But maybe it's just wishful thinking. 

She's much more of a morning person than me

We're also trying to keep her bed time routine stable.  But it's hard.  I'm terrible at keeping track of time, I've always determined when I'd go to bed based on when I was tired, or whenever I finished my homework.  I have to make sure I eat dinner early so I'm ready for the long bedtime routine to get TerraDactyl to sleep.

TerraDactyl scooting back away from DH


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