Six Months Old!

TerraDactyl is now six months old!  She's 26.5 inches long and 17.1 lbs.  Both of which are about the 70th percentile.  The doctor says she's right on track with developmental milestones.  So that's good.  Our main concern is that she's got some patches of classic eczema that we're trying to keep under control. 

It's harder to get good pictures now that she flips to her belly so readily...

Halloween is coming up, so DH and I have been working on our Halloween costumes.  We went to Goodwill the other day and while I was in the dressing room trying on options, DH was supposed to be out looking for his own costume options.  I finished up and went looking for DH and found him holding three board games.  He'd seen the kid that was stocking the shelves with these games in the cart and he'd just followed the kid around until he finally unloaded the board games and DH snatched them up immediately.  I'm not sure why he didn't ask the kid instead of following him for 15 minutes, but...  DH got his games. 

OMG!  Did you see that thing?  That thing over there??

The Halloween costumes are coming along, but they're definitely not going to be our best work.  Not only do we now have to outfit another person (TerraDactyl), but it's that much harder to get anything done (or go out scavenging).  Hopefully they'll be good enough to tell what we were going for.  ;)  Our party is on Saturday, so we've only got one day left to finalize them.

TerraDactyl rolled herself up in her blanket and then proceeded to try and eat the tag...


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