
Showing posts from June, 2019

Two Month Doctor's visit

Yesterday was TerraDactyl's two month pediatrician visit.  Since the pediatrician isn't far from home, DH and I decided he would still take the car to work and I would take TerraDactyl to the doctor in the stroller.  I set multiple alarms on my phone to make sure TerraDactyl and I would be able to get to the doctor's on time and (hopefully) not bawling. Morning playtime on the changing pad We didn't get a whole lot done in the morning.  I did a load of diaper laundry and a few random chores.  But TerraDactyl didn't sleep super late, so we spent most of the day together playing.  During our morning tummy time, I think TerraDactyl was trying to roll over.  The day before, instead of picking her up and flipping her over once tummy time was done, I moved one of her arms out and rolled her over onto her back.  And the very next day it looks like she's trying to do the same thing by herself!  It seems like fast turn around on learning, so it may be a coincidenc

First Thunderstorm

Yesterday TerraDactyl experienced her first thunderstorm.  It was sunny most of the day and then around 5pm it started pouring rain and then the thunder came.  I'm usually a fan of thunderstorms, but we had a guest coming over and were planning to grill dinner.  So it was a little inconvenient.  ;)  Plus, I prefer them to come when it's dark so you can watch the lightning.  TerraDactyl did just fine with the storm noises TerraDactyl is making good strides in her tummy time.  She still loses patience with it before too long, but she's getting so strong!  She's not just picking her head up anymore, she's pushing her whole upper body up.  TerraDactyl practicing her yoga.  I believe this is called Cobra Pose I also had some catching up to do.  We were at the coast when TerraDactyl turned two months old, so I missed taking her 2 month photo.  And then I forgot about it.  So I had to get a 2 month (and 4 days) picture for her.  This went much easier than the

Nails Grow Fast

Man, baby nails grow so fast!  I had to use mitts during nap time so she wouldn't scratch herself awake.  I had to cut TerraDactyl's fingernails again.  Tuesdays might turn into my least favorite day. She seems chill about the mitts TerraDactyl did a great job napping in the evening.  She even let us watch a movie!  We watched Escape Plan.  It has both Stallone & Arnold, and while there weren't a ton of explosions, there was gunfire and loud noises and TerraDactyl slept right through it.  TerraDactyl's themed outfit (the movie's about breaking out of prison) A bit of a boring day.  We didn't get a lot accomplished.  Laundry (of course), bath, nail clipping and that's about it. 

A Day of Low Standards

TerraDactyl's inner elbows have taken longer to heal than I'd have liked.  I've been making sure to clean out TerraDactyl's elbows and make sure they've got some time in the open air.  I've also been waiting on an ointment that I'd ordered (dang shipping!).  I just got the ointment on Friday and I think it's making a really big difference.  They're still a little red, but nowhere near as bad as they were I've been using Balm Baby Diaper Balm every day.  I think of all the things I've tried this is the most effective.  I heard about it from " All About Cloth Diapers " as a cloth diaper safe diaper rash cream.  But it seems to be a bit of a cure-all, so I thought I'd try it on TerraDactyl's elbows.  And I'm glad I did.  I've also been using it on her cradle cap and I think it's helping that as well.  My new favorite cure-all! I also found a vegan food that I actually like!  :)  I'm a huge dairy fa

First Sleepover!

This weekend was an experiment for our family.  We spent two nights at a friend's house that's two hours away from home.  It was a chance for us to see how TerraDactyl would do on a (small) road trip, see what all we should be packing for overnight trips, and give us a preview of how things will go when we visit family.  What does the Fox say? So while DH was at work on Friday, TerraDactyl and I spent our time packing.  And BOY!  Was there a lot to pack!!  We decided not to worry about cloth diapers while traveling, so I just had to bring disposables.  And while her clothes are so small, they don't take up much space, TerraDactyl's gear is a bit ridiculous.  There's the Boppy, the pack and play, the baby Bjorn, the diaper bag, the box of diapers...  There's a LOT!  But we managed to fit all the gear for TerraDactyl, Riley, DH and me in our little Prius.  Saturday morning nap with DH TerraDactyl did great on our two hour drive.  She slept pretty muc

A visit with Oma and Opa

My parents came for a visit on Monday and Tuesday.  It worked out quite conveniently because I had my last post-op check-up appointment on Monday (things went well, I've been cleared to start exercising as my body allows).  So I left my parents with TerraDactyl and a bottle of breast milk.  Left to Right:  Opa, Oma, TerraDactyl, and DH I was gone for less than 2 hours, but TerraDactyl spent the first hour complaining apparently.  She was acting hungry, but would not  take the bottle.  This was only the second time we'd tried feeding her from a bottle and she was not a fan.  Mom eventually got her to calm down by taking her on a walk outside, so when I got back home she was calm, but still hungry.  It's a good thing Opa doesn't mind drool... We grilled dinner (Tri-tip, asparagus, & corn on the cob).  It was my first time using the Traeger (DH has always done the grilling in the past), but it's a good thing my dad was there supervising.  I'm way

First Father's Day

Yesterday was DH's first Father's Day.  He chose this adorable outfit for TerraDactyl to wear.  I love the snail butt!  Perspective is weird because it's a selfie. Unfortunately, TerraDactyl only wore the outfit for maybe an hour before her diaper leaked poop all over it.  Approximately 3 minutes after this photo was taken.  So, it also got on the pillow she's resting on.  :(  It was a great start to MY day.  ;)  So she spent the rest of the day in this  outfit.  Still adorable She was a champion napper today.  We got some really long stretches of nap time.  It was pretty impressive.  DH went grocery shopping and came home with two of these... A national treasure Apparently, he was concerned that my lemon craving was not satisfied the other day.  So he introduced me to these classic desserts.  I've never actually had one.  I guess my mom always made too many pies for me to eat store pies.  Or she just refused to buy them.  We took another long

A Day of Naps

Yesterday TerraDactyl and I took a late morning nap after one of her meals.  DH came in at noon and woke me up to a surprise lunch.  French Toast!  I love breakfast and I would happily eat it for every meal of my day.  I was so excited for the treat that I ate it all before DH asked if I'd warmed it up.  Notice how the butter isn't melted?  Yeah, I didn't.  :D  I guess I was hungry too.  That or I've fully transitioned into "eat now while the baby lets you!" mode.  Yum!  DH makes the best breakfasts I guess Riley and DH were feeling left out since it wasn't much after my nap with TerraDactyl that they took their own nap with her.  Got her hands in the air like she just don't care! We also went on a really long walk, it was over an hour.  This time we started exploring all the dead end streets that we usually skip over.  We saw some very interesting houses and yards not very far from our house that we've never seen before.  I think we&

Lemon Cravings

TerraDactyl is loving the cooler days and nights.  She's so much better at napping and much less cranky.  I also made a very important discovery.  When you open your windows at night, you should make sure the thermostat is turned off.  I was closing my window last night because our bedroom had cooled off to a perfect temperature when I felt warm arm on my toes.  Apparently, we'd dropped below 67 degrees, so the heat kicked on.  Whoops.  We're thrifty enough that we don't usually make these kinds of mistakes, so I'm going to blame it on baby brain.  ;) Sleeping HARD I had a craving the other day for the Franz lemon flavored old fashioned donuts that Costco sells.  Are nursing cravings a thing?  Because I never really had cravings when I was pregnant, but now I do.  Or maybe it was just that I couldn't stomach sweet things when I was pregnant, so the things I craved, I couldn't eat...  ANYWAYS, DH said the lemon donuts were a seasonal thing and Costco

Back to Reasonable Temperatures

Well, it was only in the eighties yesterday, so THAT was a huge relief!  TerraDactyl was so much happier in the cooler temperature.  She even needed to wear clothes so she didn't get too cold!  The squinty-eyed-smile comes from my mom's side of the family Since TerraDactyl was calmer, I was able to get more done.  Mostly a lot of laundry.  I got the sheets (and blankets) washed this time!  I did like 5 loads of laundry.  It was a record.  TerraDactyl was calm enough that I tried to get her to nap by herself.  It worked OK.  She didn't stay asleep long in her bassinet.  I almost got her to fall asleep in her Mamaroo.  She was so close .  But then she decided that was no good.  She's thinking about sleeping... DH had to work an hour later yesterday.  He was super worried that we'd be eating each other alive or something, but we did alright.  It's a good thing my day managed to be semi-productive because my evening was not .  Usually I hand TerraDacty

Too Hot for Clothes!

Yesterday was another scorcher.  Made even worse by the fact that it did not cool down very much at all the night before.  I usually end up closing our bedroom windows after one of our middle of the night feeding sessions, but not this time.  It was still too warm in the morning.  So, I decided it was too hot for clothes. The bib is a convenient spit up catcher... I did my best to facilitate napping for TerraDactyl.  We hung out under the giant ceiling fan in the front room (also on the north side of the house with thick curtains).  I kept all the curtains closed and the lights off.  I stayed on top of diaper changes and feeding sessions to try and keep her from getting too worked up to fall back asleep.  And, I think it worked.  TerraDactyl got a few afternoon naps in.  Unfortunately, she would not nap unsupervised.  She was in my arms or in her Baby Bjorn being bounced constantly.  If I changed the bouncing rhythm she would wake up.  Fortunately, the ceiling fan works great as