Two Month Doctor's visit

Yesterday was TerraDactyl's two month pediatrician visit.  Since the pediatrician isn't far from home, DH and I decided he would still take the car to work and I would take TerraDactyl to the doctor in the stroller.  I set multiple alarms on my phone to make sure TerraDactyl and I would be able to get to the doctor's on time and (hopefully) not bawling.

Morning playtime on the changing pad

We didn't get a whole lot done in the morning.  I did a load of diaper laundry and a few random chores.  But TerraDactyl didn't sleep super late, so we spent most of the day together playing.  During our morning tummy time, I think TerraDactyl was trying to roll over.  The day before, instead of picking her up and flipping her over once tummy time was done, I moved one of her arms out and rolled her over onto her back.  And the very next day it looks like she's trying to do the same thing by herself!  It seems like fast turn around on learning, so it may be a coincidence.  But it's still exciting.  And terrifying.  Stationary babies are much easier to care for, I imagine.

Tummy Time!

I also started doing Lindsay Brin's core stabilization workout.  It was recommended to me by a friend to help recover after pregnancy.  It focuses on strengthening the Transverse Abdominals (the ones under the 6-pack muscles).  As I went through the workout, about half of the exercises were ones I remember the physical therapist doing with me to help with my disc degeneration back pain.  (I view this as a good thing, since those exercises helped me get my back pain under control 15 years ago).  It will be interesting to see how the workouts progress in difficulty. 

Family morning nap

I started getting TerraDactyl ready for the pediatrician about 75 minutes before we had to be there and...  We made it on time!  The walk went super well.  TerraDactyl was quiet the whole time.  Not sleeping, just staring straight up, but she seemed content enough.  The weather was a little yucky, so I was concerned she might get wet (the stroller awning and carseat awning interfere a bit with each other).  But it all turned out well.  I figured if worse came to worse, I'd put my raincoat over the gap to keep her dry and I'd just get a bit wet.  I lived 5 years in Seattle and never wore a raincoat, I could make it a few blocks without one.  The hard part of bringing the stroller to the pediatrician is...  where do you put it once you're there?  There's not really a place to put it inside the doctor's office.  And I didn't even notice a bike rack outside the office.  I ended up wheeling it around the back of the parking lot and using a bike lock to attach it to a no parking sign (in the garden).  Not sure if that's acceptable procedure or not.  I'm also not sure the best way to lock up a stroller.  I used a U-lock through one wheel and a Kryptonite chain threaded through the wheels. 

Post vaccination stupor nap

We actually checked in early and they even called us back right away.  The nurse took TerraDactyl's stats - she's 12 lbs, 8 oz, 22.5 inches long, and her head is 38 cm.  The doctor said TerraDactyl looks like a really healthy baby.  So YAY!  I like hearing that from the experts.  :D  Remember the weird redness on her inner elbows?  The doc said that looked like eczema.  So that's a bit of a relief.  I was concerned it was a yeast infection since it was taking so long to clear up.  Apparently, adult eczema manifests on the outside of joints (elbows, knees, etc).  But infant eczema shows up on the inner surfaces of joints where the moisture gets trapped.  I had no idea. 

TerraDactyl also got a bunch of vaccinations.  Three shots and an oral vaccination.  We started out with the liquid one.  TerraDactyl was NOT interested in that.  She was pretty pissed.  I had to nurse her a bit to calm her down so we could finish it up.  I was still nursing her when she got the first shot and I was hoping that would distract her from the pain.  It did not.  She immediately started crying.  And it got worse with each subsequent shot.  She was screaming by the end.  Fortunately, it didn't take long.  And TerraDactyl was willing to accept nursing as consolation afterwards.  We sat in the room and nursed for 10 minutes (it was time for a meal anyways).  And then she fell asleep while I was burping her afterwards.  She stayed asleep while I put her in the car seat (normally this would be worth a crying fit), but she slept through scheduling the next appointment, the walk home, me unloading everything into the house...  Apparently, the shots make babies a bit groggy. 

Still sleeping...

She slept on DH's chest for 3 hours (from 7-10pm).  He wasn't expecting to get stuck there for so long.  He eventually just put her down in the Baby Bjorn so he could get ready for bed.  And she slept there until midnight when she wanted a change of diaper and another meal.  It also gave me a chance to slip her into her pajamas.  Her little thighs seemed to still be a bit sore from the shots, but she was back to sleep by 12:45am. 


  1. Vaccines made Isla super sleepy too. Yay for being a healthy baby! Glad you're getting in some rehab exercises for YOU! Very important.

    She will be stationary for quite awhile still :). Just wait for the crawling and walking :). Step count goes up for sure.

    Also, way to go for getting to the doc via stroller. I think anyone that would say anything negative about a stroller locked to a no parking sign is way outta line :).


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