First Thunderstorm

Yesterday TerraDactyl experienced her first thunderstorm.  It was sunny most of the day and then around 5pm it started pouring rain and then the thunder came.  I'm usually a fan of thunderstorms, but we had a guest coming over and were planning to grill dinner.  So it was a little inconvenient.  ;)  Plus, I prefer them to come when it's dark so you can watch the lightning. 

TerraDactyl did just fine with the storm noises

TerraDactyl is making good strides in her tummy time.  She still loses patience with it before too long, but she's getting so strong!  She's not just picking her head up anymore, she's pushing her whole upper body up. 

TerraDactyl practicing her yoga.  I believe this is called Cobra Pose

I also had some catching up to do.  We were at the coast when TerraDactyl turned two months old, so I missed taking her 2 month photo.  And then I forgot about it.  So I had to get a 2 month (and 4 days) picture for her.  This went much easier than the 1 month photo.  She was pretty cheerful, so it didn't take too long to get a smiling picture and I didn't have to take 50 pictures this time. 

Of course, Riley was more than willing to help with the picture taking

One of our grad school friends that moved away was in town for a job interview, so he came over for tri-tip steak and asparagus.  Dinner was good.  He's a great guy who's really funny.  It was actually kind of hard because I was holding TerraDactyl, trying to put her to sleep, but our friend kept making me laugh, which did not help with the sleeping.  :D

No really mom, I can get the whole thing in my mouth, just watch!


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