Lemon Cravings

TerraDactyl is loving the cooler days and nights.  She's so much better at napping and much less cranky.  I also made a very important discovery.  When you open your windows at night, you should make sure the thermostat is turned off.  I was closing my window last night because our bedroom had cooled off to a perfect temperature when I felt warm arm on my toes.  Apparently, we'd dropped below 67 degrees, so the heat kicked on.  Whoops.  We're thrifty enough that we don't usually make these kinds of mistakes, so I'm going to blame it on baby brain.  ;)

Sleeping HARD

I had a craving the other day for the Franz lemon flavored old fashioned donuts that Costco sells.  Are nursing cravings a thing?  Because I never really had cravings when I was pregnant, but now I do.  Or maybe it was just that I couldn't stomach sweet things when I was pregnant, so the things I craved, I couldn't eat... 

ANYWAYS, DH said the lemon donuts were a seasonal thing and Costco didn't have them anymore.  :(  I think it's weird.  If I had to choose a season for lemons, I would have chosen summer, but I guess Franz disagrees.  SO.  To satisfy my craving, I made lemon bars. 

Mmm.... craving satisfied!

I've never made lemon bars before, usually I opt for chocolate desserts.  It was kind of a spontaneous decision, so I didn't have any lemon zest on hand, but I figured since I had all the other ingredients, I'd try it out.  They turned out pretty good.  I think the zest would probably make them better, but I'm not complaining.  It satisfied my craving.

Since yesterday was Friday it was bath day!  And since it was bath day, it was also clean the kitchen day!  (We do baby baths on the kitchen counter)  It really was the perfect day to bake.  I'm a messy cook, so my mess got all cleaned up immediately.  I was tackling all this in the morning and TerraDactyl was a little angel.  She was still a little sleepy, so she just sat there in her Baby Bjorn and watched me work. 

Who's a crabby baby?

We made another important milestone today...  I'm pretty sure that we've received (and paid) the last of the bills associated with TerraDactyl's birth!  I actually had to call in to Providence to get a refund.  DH just noticed on the billing page there's a little note that says:
"Providence Prompt Pay Discount: Providence patients in Oregon may qualify for a prompt pay discount if paying balances over $500 in full within sixty (60) days of your first statement." 
It's a 5% discount unless the bill is over $3,000 and then it's a 10% discount.  But of course, this discount is not automatically applied.  You've got to know about the discount and then make the choice to apply it yourself.  Since I didn't know about the discount, I paid our first big bill in its entirety.  Like a chump.  So I had to call in to get it reimbursed.  It was actually a pretty easy phone call with hardly any wait.  I must have called at a super low volume time or something.  Definitely worth it for the $130 refund!

When DH got home from work yesterday night, TerraDactyl and I were in the nursery playing on the changing pad.  Well, TerraDactyl was playing on her changing pad.  I was sitting on a stool next to the changing pad...  Riley was so excited that DH was home.  He came sprinting into the room and dropped his Frisbee on the ground trying to get us to play with him.

Want to play with me?

When we continued playing with TerraDactyl, he even tried bringing the Frisbee over to the other side of the room to try and get our attention.  

Maybe you didn't see the Frisbee the first time...

That poor puppy doesn't get nearly as much attention as he used to.  But we took pity on him.  We went for a long walk as a family.  We haven't been on a walk in a while since it's been so hot, but it was the perfect temperature.  TerraDactyl only complained once when we turned a corner and the sun made it through a crack in her canopy.  But I put a blanket over the crack and then she fell asleep for the rest of the walk.  The last several times we've tried to do walks she hasn't been nearly as accommodating.  Maybe because it was hotter?  Anyways, we've taken to making our walks winding around the neighborhood so we're never more than a few blocks from home (in case she melts down) rather than making a great big loop like we used to.

It was a pretty good day.


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