First Sleepover!

This weekend was an experiment for our family.  We spent two nights at a friend's house that's two hours away from home.  It was a chance for us to see how TerraDactyl would do on a (small) road trip, see what all we should be packing for overnight trips, and give us a preview of how things will go when we visit family. 

What does the Fox say?

So while DH was at work on Friday, TerraDactyl and I spent our time packing.  And BOY!  Was there a lot to pack!!  We decided not to worry about cloth diapers while traveling, so I just had to bring disposables.  And while her clothes are so small, they don't take up much space, TerraDactyl's gear is a bit ridiculous.  There's the Boppy, the pack and play, the baby Bjorn, the diaper bag, the box of diapers...  There's a LOT!  But we managed to fit all the gear for TerraDactyl, Riley, DH and me in our little Prius. 

Saturday morning nap with DH

TerraDactyl did great on our two hour drive.  She slept pretty much until we got to Seaside, and then she cried through the town, but once we left the city limits she stopped crying.  It was kind of funny.  We had pizza and book club on Friday night (Brandon Sanderson's Skyward - great YA book).  TerraDactyl did pretty well with book club, but she didn't sleep through it like last time. 

When the weather's good, Oregon is absolutely beautiful!

Saturday we had a pancake breakfast and then we took TerraDactyl on her first hike!  We did the Cape Falcon trail.  It's only supposed to be 4.6 miles, but the GPS watches seemed to indicate it was more like 5.5 miles.  It wasn't super steep, but there was definitely elevation changes.  We were planning for DH to carry TerraDactyl, but she needed to nurse, so I nursed her in her front pack while we started the hike and she fell asleep.  So rather than swap her, we decided to let her sleep. 

We made it to the top!

We were plenty hot by the time we made it to the top of the hike, so I took TerraDactyl out of her carrying pack to let her cool off a bit.  And of course, she needed a diaper change.  So she got her first diaper change in nature.  There weren't a lot of great locations for it, but I managed to find a tiny, mostly flat patch of grass for her.

Nature's Diaper changing station

At this point we decided it was the perfect time to swap TerraDactyl to DH.  She was out of the carrier, it's equal division of labor.  Ideal, right?  Yeah, she was NOT on board with that plan.  DH carried her for about 10 minutes and she pitched a fit the whole time.  It had been nearly two hours since she last ate though, so we decided to switch her back while she ate.  Aaaaand she promptly fell asleep after eating.  Again.  So I carried her the whole way back, too.  Sometimes I wish she were more of a daddy's girl.  ;)

Really, Oregon is pretty beautiful

Family photo op!  Riley's a bit worn out...

It was a great workout.  Maybe a bit ambitious for my first non-flat-sidewalk workout post baby.  But we made it.  And we were all worn out!  TerraDactyl went to bed at 9:30 that night.  I promptly followed at 10pm.  She did not wake up for her first feeding until 4:30am.  I got more than SIX hours of sleep in one chunk!  It was AMAZING.  I felt so awesome Sunday morning.  Ironically, DH (who usually sleeps in a different room than us) said he did not sleep well because there was a baby that kept waking him up.  LOL. 

TerraDactyl celebrating her successful first hike

Sunday morning we had crepes for breakfast!  Seriously, our friends feed us the best food.  They were practicing to serve them at the Country Fair.  They had a really intense set up.  The grill was propane powered and fully portable.  They had a smearing thing to get the crepes super thin and then two wooden paddles to fold it all up.  It was pretty cool to watch.  They even let DH try his hand at it...

DH took to it like a fish to water

We rounded out the weekend playing board games.  I've become a much less helpful game player since TerraDactyl made her entrance.  She can't go very long without demanding my attention.  So I have a feeling I'll only be playing as part of a team for the foreseeable future. 

TerraDactyl making friends

Sharing the love

We made it back home fairly well.  TerraDactyl needed a diaper change when we were about 40 minutes from home, which was less than ideal.  But all-in-all, it was a good test trip.  We're ready to try a longer trip to visit with family soon! 

Who said pumpkins are out of season??


  1. Dang, that's an awesome trip, guys! Good work, little one.


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