A Day of Low Standards

TerraDactyl's inner elbows have taken longer to heal than I'd have liked.  I've been making sure to clean out TerraDactyl's elbows and make sure they've got some time in the open air.  I've also been waiting on an ointment that I'd ordered (dang shipping!).  I just got the ointment on Friday and I think it's making a really big difference. 

They're still a little red, but nowhere near as bad as they were

I've been using Balm Baby Diaper Balm every day.  I think of all the things I've tried this is the most effective.  I heard about it from "All About Cloth Diapers" as a cloth diaper safe diaper rash cream.  But it seems to be a bit of a cure-all, so I thought I'd try it on TerraDactyl's elbows.  And I'm glad I did.  I've also been using it on her cradle cap and I think it's helping that as well. 

My new favorite cure-all!

I also found a vegan food that I actually like!  :)  I'm a huge dairy fan, so it surprised the heck out of me when I really liked this vegan ice cream.  I'm not sure if all the flavors are so amazing, but the Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge flavor from Coconut Bliss is AMAZING.  Not sure if it's actually healthier than regular ice cream, but it's certainly more expensive.  ;)

Vegan food that tastes good??

TerraDactyl and I didn't really accomplish much yesterday.  I put away some laundry that I'd done on Sunday, but that's about it.  The only thing of note that I accomplished was...  wearing real underwear!  I've been wearing the super stretchy underwear that the hospital gave me since my C-section scar is right where a waistband would go.  But it's healed enough I don't think I have to wear the hospital underwear anymore!  Yay!

Sorry, no underwear pic!

TerraDactyl and Riley were both a bit needy and snuggly.  I think they were still a bit overwhelmed from our busy weekend.  TerraDactyl ended up falling asleep in the afternoon after nursing and I swear she might have a mutant X-men ability or something, but when I hold her sleeping it makes me SO sleepy.  So we ended up taking a huge nap from 3:30 to 5 or so.  Well, that's when I forced myself to wake up.  TerraDactyl slept even longer.  It left me a bit groggy napping so long so late in the day. 

Family time!  Riley's got a stick he's trying to give to DH


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