First Father's Day

Yesterday was DH's first Father's Day.  He chose this adorable outfit for TerraDactyl to wear. 

I love the snail butt!  Perspective is weird because it's a selfie.

Unfortunately, TerraDactyl only wore the outfit for maybe an hour before her diaper leaked poop all over it.  Approximately 3 minutes after this photo was taken.  So, it also got on the pillow she's resting on.  :(  It was a great start to MY day.  ;)  So she spent the rest of the day in this outfit. 

Still adorable

She was a champion napper today.  We got some really long stretches of nap time.  It was pretty impressive.  DH went grocery shopping and came home with two of these...

A national treasure

Apparently, he was concerned that my lemon craving was not satisfied the other day.  So he introduced me to these classic desserts.  I've never actually had one.  I guess my mom always made too many pies for me to eat store pies.  Or she just refused to buy them. 

We took another long walk for Father's Day.  TerraDactyl slept through at least an hour of it.  We continued our tour of previously unexplored dead end streets. 

It was pretty good

As an experiment, I tried sleeping perpendicular (aka sideways) to the correct orientation of my mattress.  And my back felt better than it has been.  This leads me to believe that my mattress sucks.  :(  I'll try my weird sleeping orientation for a few days and see how my back feels.  A new mattress may be in my future.  Too bad this one isn't even a year old.  But still old enough to not be within the warranty window. 


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