A visit with Oma and Opa

My parents came for a visit on Monday and Tuesday.  It worked out quite conveniently because I had my last post-op check-up appointment on Monday (things went well, I've been cleared to start exercising as my body allows).  So I left my parents with TerraDactyl and a bottle of breast milk. 

Left to Right:  Opa, Oma, TerraDactyl, and DH

I was gone for less than 2 hours, but TerraDactyl spent the first hour complaining apparently.  She was acting hungry, but would not take the bottle.  This was only the second time we'd tried feeding her from a bottle and she was not a fan.  Mom eventually got her to calm down by taking her on a walk outside, so when I got back home she was calm, but still hungry. 

It's a good thing Opa doesn't mind drool...

We grilled dinner (Tri-tip, asparagus, & corn on the cob).  It was my first time using the Traeger (DH has always done the grilling in the past), but it's a good thing my dad was there supervising.  I'm way too impatient and want to look in and check on things too often to be a good at grilling.  It didn't take long for me to fully cede the grilling responsibility to dad. 

Daddy's little girl

I tried to feed TerraDactyl her bottle one more time before giving up on it.  I didn't want to waste the milk.  It was pretty funny.  She was so mad about the fake nipple.  She wouldn't really suck on it and just let the bottle drip into her mouth until the milk spilled out the sides without swallowing any of it.  We have a couple different styles of bottles we can try, but I'm also interested in trying the Medela Calma bottle.  It's supposed to be more similar to breast feeding.  Maybe it'll make an easier transition for TerraDactyl.  Right now I'm just glad I'm not working, so TerraDactyl can still eat despite her stubborn refusal to take a bottle.  :)

TerraDactyl FINALLY found the mirror on her mobile!!

We got some really good long walks in with Oma and Opa.  We took some good tours of the neighborhood.  The weather was great for walking.  Warm and sunny, but not nearly as hot as it has been.  As much as I enjoy the heat, TerraDactyl is so much happier when it's mild.  She must get that from her dad.  DH pretty much dies of heatstroke if the house gets warmer than 75℉. 

While we were all out in the back yard visiting, DH and I finally remembered that we have raspberry plants out there!  To be honest, I have not thought much at all about our yard and garden for quite some time (I've been a little distracted).  This is one of the reasons I skew my plants towards native plants - they're plenty capable of surviving, even thriving, without my less than reliable help.  Turns out, our raspberries are starting to ripen!  Here's the first batch we picked:

So good!  I love raspberries

It might not look like an impressive haul, but they are delicious!  And there's plenty more berries out there that just need a bit more time to ripen. 


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