So Many Friends!

We had a busy weekend! On Saturday, I had a dentist appointment and then we were going out to meet some friends, so the whole family came to the dentist with me. Wonder Baby is a pro at taking her socks off The plan was to drive to the dentist and then I'd feed TerraDactyl so that she shouldn't need me while I was occupied. However, she fell asleep in the car on the way there, so DH figured he'd just drive around and keep her asleep. Well. I had a relaxing dentist appointment (I love the dentist). DH was far from relaxed. TerraDactyl woke up like 10 minutes after I left and started crying. She did not stop crying until I texted DH that I'd finished and he could come pick me up. So while I fed TerraDactyl in the parking lot, DH took a long walk and tried to find his zen. Dystopian onesie decorated by Nearbad at our baby shower I was concerned that TerraDactyl's rough start to the day was foreshadowing of the day to...