A Productive Weekend

This past weekend was quite busy.  We started watching Stranger Things season 3, in an attempt to outrun spoilers.  It's good stuff.  We always enjoy it.  And so that I don't give you any spoilers, that's all I'll say about that.  When DH was in Target, he found these pillows:

Oh, Steve...

On Saturday we went for a long walk.  TerraDactyl was doing well, so we just kept going.  We ended up discovering this whole hidden neighborhood only a few streets away from our house.  It's a pretty cool area.  Both DH and I think I'm back to walking at my pre-pregnancy speed.  Yay!  Also...  I wore a pair of regular pre-pregnancy shorts for the first time!!  They have an elastic waistband, so it's maybe not a huge achievement, but it was exciting to start wearing some of my normal clothes again.

I'd like to point out that this next picture is not proper car seat safety-wise.  We were just going on a walk, so we didn't cinch her down quite as much as we would for a car trip.  After watching her tuck her little hands inside the straps though, I've got to admit we were probably a bit too lax there.

Doesn't TerraDactyl look like a grumpy old man with her hands in her suspenders?

One of DH's favorite video games is Psychonauts (I've played it and it IS super fun).  We even dressed up as the main characters for Halloween one time.  You play a kid that's training his psychic powers and there's an iconic hand to head positioning when Raz is using his powers.  Well, TerraDactyl has also been doing this lately.  Makes me wonder which of her psychic powers she's trying to access...

Image result for raz psychonauts
First two fingers and thumb at the temple

First two fingers and thumb at the temple.  A Psychonaut in training

DH was SUPER productive this weekend.  He re-upholstered our breakfast nook bench thingie.  He went to JOANN's to match the fabric to our chair fabric.  He figured out how to get the fabric cut by himself...  It was maybe a little traumatic for him.  He made sure to let me know he was the ONLY man in the whole store.  :)  But, the bench looks awesome!!

DH did end up with a sunburned back though...

Well, I'll just leave you with this as my sign off...

This kid cracks me up!


  1. Nice job on the bench, man. Throw some Steve pillows on there and you're good to go.

  2. Yes! Stranger Things!!!! We binged The Office while I was breastfeeding K-man. It brainwashed him. The Office theme song came on when he was years older and he went into this trance like state while it played. It was pretty hilarious! Maybe Terradactyl will have the same reaction to the Stranger Things theme song?


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