Headed Home

(I'm still about a week behind on blogging here...)  After spending the 4th of July with Grandma and Grandpa, we stopped by my parents' house (Oma & Opa).

Bath Time at Oma & Opa's

The drive from DH's parents to my parents' house was probably the roughest of the whole trip.  TerraDactyl didn't even make it out of town before she started objecting - LOUDLY.  We stopped at a gas station where I fed her, and then had to change her.  Thirty minutes later, DH got TerraDactyl buckled up while I went to the bathroom.  TerraDactyl was just fine chilling in the car, but as soon as we started moving she got upset (this is backwards of normal).  She pitched a fit for quite some time.  Until we just couldn't stand it.  But we're out in the middle of nowhere at this point, so we ended up pulling off the highway onto a little gravel dead end.  After another 45 minutes of eating, uprightness, diaper changes, TerraDactyl fell asleep and made it all the way to Oma & Opa's asleep.  I was worried that this 4 hour journey would turn into a 10 hour journey for a bit though.

My niece definitely prefers Riley to TerraDactyl  :)

The visit with my parents was just a quick stopover and we were back on the road before noon the next day.  TerraDactyl did fine on the drive back to our house, but the next few days were a bit rough for her.  She was just cranky.  Maybe a bit more gassy than normal.  I'm not sure.  It made for a rough couple of days for me.  We spent a lot of time snuggling and walking around, but not much else. 

I love this dress, but it's getting a bit small - but check out these socks!!  I LOVE them!

Since TerraDactyl was already cranky, she got some extra tummy time in.  I figured, hey she'll be cranky either way, might as well get the workout in...  :D

She talked the WHOLE time

The extra gas meant more spit ups than usual, so we also had some extra wardrobe changes with the mess...

Why YES, she DOES love hugs from Grandma

I was putting together cloth diapers and sticking them in her dresser while TerraDactyl was talking to me up on her changing pad.  You know, her favorite place in the whole house.  Anyways, in the time it took me to put one of her diapers together and stick it in the drawer (less than 30 seconds) she went from talking to sleeping...

This changing pad might be magic...

We've noticed that in the last week or so, TerraDactyl has made big strides in neck control, she's keeping her head up longer and looking around way more, just in the last few days.  And TALKING.  She babbles all the time now.  Her speech attempts are very musical, too.  A lot of pitch changes.  So much so that I've come up with a theory.  This is why we sing lullabies and silly songs to babies.  They don't have phonetic control, so start with pitch development. 

Not sure why, but Riley insists on his head being under the Baby Bjorn


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