So Many Friends!

We had a busy weekend!  On Saturday, I had a dentist appointment and then we were going out to meet some friends, so the whole family came to the dentist with me. 

Wonder Baby is a pro at taking her socks off

The plan was to drive to the dentist and then I'd feed TerraDactyl so that she shouldn't need me while I was occupied.  However, she fell asleep in the car on the way there, so DH figured he'd just drive around and keep her asleep.  Well.  I had a relaxing dentist appointment (I love the dentist).  DH was far from relaxed.  TerraDactyl woke up like 10 minutes after I left and started crying.  She did not stop crying until I texted DH that I'd finished and he could come pick me up.  So while I fed TerraDactyl in the parking lot, DH took a long walk and tried to find his zen. 

Dystopian onesie decorated by Nearbad at our baby shower

I was concerned that TerraDactyl's rough start to the day was foreshadowing of the day to come, but she was pretty happy after that.  We hung out with DH's Hometown Homies.  They all started hanging out together in elementary school and middle school and they've continued to keep in touch since then.  We spent all day catching up with them and by the time we got home, we'd been out of the house for 11 hours!  It's TerraDactyl's longest day yet!

TerraDactyl critiquing her mother's gaming technique

Saturday was such a long day that TerraDactyl ended up sleeping from 10pm to 6am!  Craziness.  Unfortunately, I didn't go to bed at 10pm, because I had to get some chores done around the house while she was sleeping, so I missed out on my chance to get 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep.  Turns out, I would have missed out on it anyways, since my body woke me up at 3am anyways (we normally wake up around then).  :(  Some day.  Some day I will get back to sleeping 8 hours straight. 

Uncle Stinkybadass getting his snuggle time in.  He was less interested in getting practice changing diapers.

Sunday we had dinner with DH's college wrestling buddies.  We had a BBQ, played Twister, and played with a knife sharpening kit.  DH got to have his knife sharpened as the demo.  :)  Also, you might not realize until you play with highly competitive guys, but there can totally be an aggressive element in Twister.  In which dot one chooses to place their body parts, as well as how much one chooses to lean on opponents.  It was very enlightening for me to observe.  The college wrestling crew has spread out a bit, so we don't get together as frequently with them, so it was nice to catch up.  We had a really fun weekend, but poor Riley got left at home alone for a lot of it. 

We even got the dog facing the right direction!

Since we spent so much time out of the house we used disposable diapers for TerraDactyl and she had quite a few blowouts.  I'm not sure if it's because she's getting borderline on the sizing or maybe we end up feeding in a different position when I don't have the breastfeeding pillows to use, or if it's just a cloth vs. disposable thing.  Regardless, it's a good thing I packed a bunch of extra clothes for her!  


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