Discovering Hands

TerraDactyl has recently been discovering her hands.  She's started holding her hands and moving her fingers independently.  And grabbing things.  It started with my hair and my shirt when I'd hold her.  But it's progressed.  To car seat straps (when we try to take her out of it), her own clothes, blankets, and...  dirty diapers when I'm changing her.  That's a fun one. 

I have HANDS!!

This is a problem.  Now that I've fully committed to dresses, TerraDactyl wants to pull them up over her head.  ;) 

Here we are with a bit more decorum, but not much

She's also been sucking on her hands quite a bit.  Which can be a messy proposition.  Sucking leads to drooling.  As does blowing bubbles.  We're getting a handle on the giant spit-ups, those have been reduced quite a bit by making sure she stays upright for 15 minutes after eating, but now TerraDactyl is just straight up drooling.  So, still messy.  :)

Sucking a thumb and playing with her ears - a study in multitasking

TerraDactyl is definitely my kiddo.  I sucked my thumb while simultaneously playing with my ear for YEARS.  Also, this set of footie pajamas she's wearing - the one that's too small?  It's a 3-6 month one.  The sizing is crazy I tell you!

The increased drooling also means we get to wear more outfits in one day...


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