A Fashionista in the Making

I end up getting up at odd hours of the night and early morning (I know, totally unexpected).  At 4 am the other day, I came out of my room after feeding TerraDactyl to see this:

Why can't I snuggle my dad?

Yes, that is Riley waiting patiently for DH to wake up and open his door.  I'm not sure how long he'd been there when I saw him, but Riley was still there when DH woke up at 6:30.  Poor pup.

TerraDactyl is growing so big!  I've been removing clothes from her closet when they get too small or are difficult to put on/take off.  The number of clothes in there had dwindled down significantly, so I figured there was enough room in the closet for me to open up the next size of clothing.  So all her 3-6 month clothes are now in the wearable rotation!  It's crazy.

Checking to see if these 3 months clothes still fit...  I love this pose.

As I've eliminated more and more clothes, the things I choose not to dress TerraDactyl in become more obvious.  The number one clothing item I avoid?  Pants.  I hate pants.  I will only dress my daughter in clothes that open at the bottom (like dresses or onsies/footie pajamas with buttons). 
Side Note to my Mother:  Yes.  I do appreciate the irony here.  I spent the first 20 years of my life avoiding wearing dresses/skirts (or wearing shorts under them) and now I'm insisting my daughter wear them exclusively.  She can wear pants when she can dress herself.
Changing diapers is just too much of a pain if you've got to remove pants and then put them back on.  I love these adorable frog feet pants, but...  once I had to take them off for a diaper change, I was NOT putting them back on.  So, time for a wardrobe change:

TA DA!  I swear, it's not even hard to get these hilarious poses, she just DOES them!

Here is TerraDactyl's first 3-6 month outfit.  Notice how good a fit it is?  I don't think it will be long before she's outgrown this one.  Some of the 3-6 month onesies are already too small for her!  I'm looking at you Gerber brand.  I've decided that baby sizing for clothing makes as little sense as women's clothing sizes.  Depending on the brand of clothes and/or article of clothing, I can be anything from a small to an extra large.  And really, when that's the spread, what's the point of even having sizes? 

The monkeys are so fun!

While I was bathing TerraDactyl on Friday, I discovered something fascinating.  TerraDactyl has uneven baby folds.  She's got an extra crease on her left arm and left leg.  I just sort of assumed the creases would be symmetric.  I think it's funny it took me this long to notice, but DH hadn't noticed either and he's way more observant than me, so I don't feel too bad...

TerraDactyl is ready for her role as sheep in the Christmas Pageant.

Another thing I discovered while I was whittling down the clothes in TerraDactyl's closet...  Terrycloth footie pajamas!!  These are perfect for just after a bath.  I cannot believe I've overlooked these bad boys.  Fortunately, her 3 month ones still fit and she's got more in the line up for 3-6 months sizing.  I'll be making up for lost time. 

Can you see the adorable ballet flats on the feet of this one?

It's starting to heat back up here.  It was only like 60 degrees (in July) for a while.  Craziness.  But we're finally get back to some warmer temperatures.  So TerraDactyl can wear some of her tiny little sun dresses before she outgrows them.  They're pretty cute. 

I haven't decided if the dress should be considered too small if it doesn't cover her diaper...

It cracks me up that this entire post is all about clothing.  For the most part, I would be happy wearing the same things every day.  And yet, somehow I still end up owning way too many clothes.  And now that TerraDactyl is here, I spend a lot of time messing around with clothes.  It's a good thing baby clothes (and TerraDactyl, of course) are so cute!


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