Baby Proofing and Baby Packaging

What do you mean, "I don't belong here"? The cat genes are showing... TerraDactyl has started trying to sit in small places, just like a cat. She finds drawers, boxes, cake pans, etc. and shoves her little body into them. She seems to find it relaxing, because she'll just chill there for a while. What evil is this?!?! Why won't you open?? TerraDactyl is also SO much better at opening the kitchen cabinets that we had to add some baby proofing to the kitchen. The glass dishes were the only safety concern. The rest were just inconvenient. She loves emptying things out, and it was just a lot of dishes to wash. It took her a bit, but she's also able to open the large kitchen drawers as well (above). The middle drawer is just Tupperware, so it's a dirty dish inconvenience. The bottom drawer is saran wrap and aluminum foil, so the sharp tearing edges make me a bit nervous. So far, I've been trying to redire...