A Day in Pants

Mom dressed me in pants?!?!

That's right.  I voluntarily dressed TerraDactyl in pants yesterday! It actually went pretty well.  TerraDactyl doesn't have as many diaper changes as she used to, so it's not like I'm taking her pants off 12 times a day.  Plus, she's a little more helpful when getting dressed than she used to be.  And by "helpful" I mean, she's not as detrimental to the process. 

It's important to stretch properly before exerting yourself

While TerraDactyl and I were playing airplane yesterday, I think I saw a tiny bit of white peeking through her upper gums.  I think her top teeth might finally be breaking through!  It's hard to tell though because TerraDactyl is definitely opposed to me poking around and looking in her mouth.  She's actually really good at locking her lips together.  I guess I'll just have to be patient. 

Doing some weight lifting

TerraDactyl has started blowing raspberries again.  I'm not sure what kicked it off, but she sat in her high chair for about 10 minutes doing nothing but non-stop raspberries.  I think maybe TerraDactyl might be prepping her buzzing muscles for her musical career playing some kind of brass instrument (trumpet, trombone, etc). 


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