Ice Cream Cake!!

My annual mint chocolate ice cream cake

Every year for my birthday, DH makes me a mint chocolate ice cream cake.  It's amazing.  Mint oreo crust, grasshopper cookie edge, chocolate ice cream on the bottom, then a layer of hot fudge, and then mint ice cream on top.  SO good.  I love it.  Usually he even makes all the ice cream from scratch.  DH didn't have time to make it completely from scratch, so the ice cream is store bought.  But it's still delicious. 

Olives?  What olives??

I'm not sure if you can notice the difference, but these pictures are all taken with a different camera.  Or phone really.  DH upgraded my phone so I'd have a better camera.  It's faster and I think it's more likely to catch TerraDactyl when she's in focus (before she moves off to the next thing).  It is a bit weird getting used to a new phone though. 

Somebody left an empty box here!!


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