Like Brother, Like Sister

TerraDactyl Sandwich!

TerraDactyl has discovered one of Riley's favorite sleeping spots when he was a puppy.  I caught her crawling up into the middle of our coffee table the other day.  I guess that means I should probably dust there if she's going to be mucking about and exploring that area.  ;)

Tres chic - TerraDactyl is already exploring her fashion tastes

TerraDactyl is getting pretty good at communicating her desires.  She points and grunts insistently to steer whoever is holding her.  She grabs the breast feeding pillow and drags it over to me when she wants to nurse.  And she pulled quite emphatically on Riley's leash when she wanted to go on a walk the other day. 

Time for a walk!

After a few days of below average eating, TerraDactyl is back to eating more normally.  She's also sleeping better, so I think her teeth aren't bother her as much.  The other morning she ate an entire 4oz cup of pears in addition to Cheerios for breakfast!  Usually I end up eating the rest of the fruit cup, but she finished it off. 

She won't wear her own hat, but she'll wear mom's!

Our rhubarb plant is a bit crazy.  We've got to start making rhubarb recipes or it'll all go to waste.  I feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland here at this house.  All the garden produce seems to be excessively large!

She could row a boat with oars that size!


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