Snakes, Chicks, and Babies Oh My!

Sneaky Snake

DH found this snake while playing outside with TerraDactyl.  I think it's a garter snake.  Our little wren chicks are continuing to grow and add feathers.  They're much cuter now.  I even get to watch the momma bird feed the babies every now and then. 

Their beaks are the entire width of their heads!

TerraDactyl is still a crazy kiddo, getting into everything she can.  She's learned that she can push individual keys down on a keyboard instead of just doing a full hand mash. 

Typing just like Da Da

Sometimes the things that TerraDactyl decides to play with seem odd.  Like the bar stool.  She hates being confined behind the baby gate, but she willingly confines herself within the stool, as seen below:


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