The Babies are Here!!

Awww...  They're so ugly!

That's right!  Those 5 little eggs have hatched!  I'm not sure of the exact day, I just know I was washing dishes the other day and happened to see the mom feeding the babies.  The rest of the time she just keeps sitting on them.  We're pretty sure that they're Bewick's wrens, based on the white line over the eyeball and the ridiculous tail feathers. 

Did someone say babies??

TerraDactyl has fallen in love with Riley's toy basket.  She's always liked it, but she confined herself to emptying the toys out of it.  Now...  everything's fair game.  She's climbing into it, using it to practice her steps, lifting it up...   She's all over that thing. 

TerraDactyl is also really enjoying her wood train.  Oma gave her this train when she was a too young to play with it, so I set it aside.  When we move into the new house, I put it on TerraDactyl's window sill.  But then I hung up curtains...  and forgot about the train.  But with the hot weather, and opening up the windows...  I found it!  And TerraDactyl loves it.  It's the first thing she takes apart in the mornings.  :)

Ready for disassembly!

TerraDactyl is a very busy kid.  She's constantly doing stuff.  It's definitely fun watching her explore the world around her.  Even if it gets messy. 

What do you mean, Riley has toys?

We got more roses!

So pretty!


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