
Showing posts from September, 2019

Werewolves and Book Club

We had a busy weekend this weekend.  On Saturday, we went to a friend's house to play another chapter of Werewolf Legacy.  It was fun, but we found out once again that I am apparently not trustworthy at all.  I was killed all three times, even though I was not a werewolf!  Both TerraDactyl and Riley enjoy the wonders of empty bottles! TerraDactyl did really well at the Werewolf party.  She spent some time napping on me in her wrap.  She also joined in the discussion with some of her own chatter.  But she was happy pretty much the whole time.  When we finally left, DH and I both agreed that it seemed really late.  It was dark out, and all three of us were ready for bed.  Once we got on the road I checked the time...  Eight o'clock.  I could have sworn it was at least past ten.  One more sign that I'm getting old. DH getting TerraDactyl ready for bed Sunday we had book club.  We read Educated by Tara Westover.  It was a really good book club book.  We had lots

Rattle Socks!

We received some Itty Bittys Rattle Socks at TerraDactyl's baby shower.  They were too big for her feet initially, so I set them aside.  When I did add them into the sock rotation, well, by then I had kind of stopped using socks.  I was (and still kind of am) a HUGE fan of footie pajamas.  I love the all-in-one simplicity of it.  :)  But, TerraDactyl's been kicking her feet a lot more and this morning I just decided to try out the rattle socks.  Is that MY feet making that weird noise?? Well, it took TerraDactyl a little bit to realize that her feet were rattling.  It was pretty funny watching her kick her feet and eventually figure out the connection to kicking her feet and hearing the rattle.  But before long she was totally into it.  In fact, she spent the whole day kicking her feet.  And I spent the whole day putting her socks back on.  Because when there's a mass at the end of the toe and that toe is constantly kicking...  the socks fall off.  So that was a

5 Months Old!

TerraDactyl is 5 months old!  It's crazy how quickly time passes when you're too busy to pay attention...  The official 5 month photo TerraDactyl and I spent most of yesterday just getting everything back to normal in our house.  Doing laundry, putting things away, cleaning up the house...  It took us pretty much the whole day, but we got things squared away nicely. Soaking up the sunshine after a bath Part of the reason it took so long to get everything back to normal was that TerraDactyl was a bit spoiled after this weekend.  After four days of non-stop attention, she thought that should continue once we returned home.  She was less than pleased when my attention was more on my chores than on her.  Plus, the bouncer was out of commission after a spectacular blowout just before we left the beach.  So it was being washed/drying out. Just look at that "bare" butt!  ;) Since the bouncer was dirty, TerraDactyl got a lot more floor time.  She's ge

A Haystack in the Ocean

I forgot to mention that one other bad thing happened at the beach this weekend...  We went out to eat breakfast at Pig 'n Pancake and I got Blintzes.  That part wasn't bad.  They were delicious.  But I didn't finish them, so I got a take home box.  I was carrying TerraDactyl home from the restaurant, so Grandpa carried my take home box for me.  One the quarter mile walk, a seagull flew straight at Grandpa's face and at the last second it veered up and missed him.  Well, it missed flying into him.  The seagull did poop directly on my take home box!  My poor left over blintz were sacrificed, but at least Grandpa had a bit of shield from the hostile natives.  Grandpa and a giggling TerraDactyl On Monday we took a short day trip to try and see some tide pools.  Unfortunately, the tide wasn't very low, so there wasn't much we could see.  And the place we chose was pretty restrictive as to how close you could get to the tide pools.  Probably too many tourists

First Beach Trip

This weekend, DH, TerraDactyl, and I spent the weekend at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa.  TerraDactyl seemed to like the beach, or at least she enjoyed all the walks we took.  We really lucked out on the weather.  There was only one rainy day out of four and even that one was only rainy for half the day.  TerraDactyl's first view of the ocean Taking turns holding the baby Relaxing on the beach at the end of the day The one bad thing about the trip was that Riley and Riker (Grandma & Grandpa's dog) got into a fight and Riley lost a toe nail.  It didn't really slow him down much though.  There was some limping, but it pretty much stopped as soon as we took the makeshift bandage off his foot.  I think he just didn't like having his foot wrapped up. Speaking of toes...  Did you see this one?!?!

Getting a Handle on Snails

I don't have much to say today, so I'm just going to share a funny series of photos.  TerraDactyl is good at grabbing small things (like hairs), but larger items still cause difficulties.  Oma and Opa brought back a felted snail rattle from their trip to Estonia for TerraDactyl.  Here's how the introduction went... Look at this cool snail.  Hear it rattle?  Do you want to try it out? Oh!  That IS cool!  But, it's so hard to hold on to!  It just keeps slipping and falling!  I'll try eating it. Huh.  I missed.  Well that's an odd place for it to land.  I can't grab it while it's back there. I guess we'll just have to be friends.

Early Birds and Worms

I've never been a fan of eating worms, but apparently my daughter is.  She's quite the early bird.  Obviously, TerraDactyl gets this from her father.  I've never been a morning person, but especially not when I've been woken up multiple times over the course of the night.  Lately, TerraDactyl and I have been engaging in battles of stubbornness in the mornings.  She insists loudly that I should get up and I pretend not to hear her and attempt to sleep for another 30 minutes.  Of course, she gets her volume from me, so it's not like I actually get any sleep.  It's kind of funny, TerraDactyl babbles (loudly) while we're laying there in bed, but then as soon as we get up, she quiets right up and gets contemplative.  Hmm...  Maybe "funny" wasn't quite the word I was looking for... TerraDactyl helping with the laundry.  Before long, she'll be doing her own loads. With TerraDactyl waking up earlier and earlier (also going to bed earlier), n

An Ode to Riley

The other day, DH and I took TerraDactyl out to eat with us.  I was hoping she'd fall asleep and we could leave her in her stroller, but TerraDactyl got fussy as soon as we sat down.  So DH and I had to take turns holding her and eating.  She's probably got good enough muscle control that we could have tried a high chair, but I didn't think about it until we were half way through the meal.  I like my cool water crown in this pic We took advantage of one of the last warm, sunny days of summer to take Riley to the dog park.  To make up for four months of neglect, we took him to the awesome Thousand Acres Dog Park.  It's like a mile long walk to a river and there's always a bunch of dogs to play with.  Riley had a blast.  He spent the first half hour we were at the river trying to get all the dogs resting on the beach to get up and play and then all of a sudden he noticed all the dogs that were playing in the river...  it was pretty funny.  Hot enough Riley

A Very Hairy Post

DH found this guy hanging out in his bedroom one night.  Instead of killing it, he captured it and left it for me to find the next morning.  For the sake of scale, this is a regular pint Mason jar.  It's freaking huge.  He lived quite happily in there without air holes or food for several days.  Until I decided he'd lived long enough. Just look at those mandibles! I finally convinced DH that he was fully capable of shaving my hair without messing it up.  He usually cuts my hair, so I found it kind of funny that he was worried about messing it up.  He almost sent me to a salon instead of doing it himself.  Silly man.  It went just fine.  It seems that I might be a bit less blonde in the back now. Before:  see all those tempting hairs for TerraDactyl to rip out?? Some people have an angel or devil on their shoulder.  I have a Welsh Terrier. I can fit into some of my non-elastic waist pre-baby pants!  Well, I've only tried one pair of shorts.  But the weathe