A Very Hairy Post

DH found this guy hanging out in his bedroom one night.  Instead of killing it, he captured it and left it for me to find the next morning.  For the sake of scale, this is a regular pint Mason jar.  It's freaking huge.  He lived quite happily in there without air holes or food for several days.  Until I decided he'd lived long enough.

Just look at those mandibles!

I finally convinced DH that he was fully capable of shaving my hair without messing it up.  He usually cuts my hair, so I found it kind of funny that he was worried about messing it up.  He almost sent me to a salon instead of doing it himself.  Silly man.  It went just fine.  It seems that I might be a bit less blonde in the back now.

Before:  see all those tempting hairs for TerraDactyl to rip out??

Some people have an angel or devil on their shoulder.  I have a Welsh Terrier.

I can fit into some of my non-elastic waist pre-baby pants!  Well, I've only tried one pair of shorts.  But the weather's cooling off, so I'll probably be trying to see if I can wear my jeans pretty soon here.  When we were on our walk DH pointed out just how well I coordinated my outfit to our stroller.

Accessorizing properly is very important

And of course, we need some pictures of the actual baby!

TerraDactyl loving the toy her aunt gave her

TerraDactyl played with her ears until she ended up falling asleep (about 5 minutes after this picture)

Sorry for the big gap in posts!


  1. Oh. My. Lawd! That spider is so scary! I'm seriously getting the creepy crawlies just thinking of finding that, and I'm the spider hunter of our family.

    That last picture of TD looks like a portrait of a tortured artist :)


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