An Ode to Riley

The other day, DH and I took TerraDactyl out to eat with us.  I was hoping she'd fall asleep and we could leave her in her stroller, but TerraDactyl got fussy as soon as we sat down.  So DH and I had to take turns holding her and eating.  She's probably got good enough muscle control that we could have tried a high chair, but I didn't think about it until we were half way through the meal. 

I like my cool water crown in this pic

We took advantage of one of the last warm, sunny days of summer to take Riley to the dog park.  To make up for four months of neglect, we took him to the awesome Thousand Acres Dog Park.  It's like a mile long walk to a river and there's always a bunch of dogs to play with.  Riley had a blast.  He spent the first half hour we were at the river trying to get all the dogs resting on the beach to get up and play and then all of a sudden he noticed all the dogs that were playing in the river...  it was pretty funny. 

Hot enough Riley was willing to get in the water!

I'm not sure if this is a side effect of Riley getting less quality time with us, or maybe it's just a coincidence, but he's got his first confirmed kills this summer.  I found two dead young rats in our back yard the other day.  DH found a dead adult rat and actually caught Riley in the act of killing another young rat.  What a good terrier!  Hopefully that's all of the rats on our property.  I was going to put a picture of the dead rats up here, but DH says that's gross and I shouldn't.  So here's a picture of TerraDactyl instead.

Check out those Unicorn feet!

TerraDactyl has been getting better dexterity.  It used to be that she mostly just pushed herself around with her feet when we put her in her jumper, but recently she's been reaching out and purposefully interacting with the toys around the edges.  It's kind of interesting watching her learn each one of the toys.  She's played with all of them so far except the little worm thing.

Proficient in nearly all the toys!


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