A Haystack in the Ocean

I forgot to mention that one other bad thing happened at the beach this weekend...  We went out to eat breakfast at Pig 'n Pancake and I got Blintzes.  That part wasn't bad.  They were delicious.  But I didn't finish them, so I got a take home box.  I was carrying TerraDactyl home from the restaurant, so Grandpa carried my take home box for me.  One the quarter mile walk, a seagull flew straight at Grandpa's face and at the last second it veered up and missed him.  Well, it missed flying into him.  The seagull did poop directly on my take home box!  My poor left over blintz were sacrificed, but at least Grandpa had a bit of shield from the hostile natives. 

Grandpa and a giggling TerraDactyl

On Monday we took a short day trip to try and see some tide pools.  Unfortunately, the tide wasn't very low, so there wasn't much we could see.  And the place we chose was pretty restrictive as to how close you could get to the tide pools.  Probably too many tourists come in the area.  Oh well. 

Family Selfie!

We did a good job packing for the trip, except we did not pack any hats!  I remembered to pack a warm hat and a sun hat for TerraDactyl, but none for DH and I.  Fortunately, Grandma brought spares.  We needed them!  It was cold and windy on the beach. 

How many feet does this baby have??  She kept getting her feet free of her unicorn footies.

One last snuggle with Grandpa before heading back home


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