Honey, Where are my pants?

The other day, DH and I were getting ready to leave the house and DH asked me to run downstairs to grab his wallet. Sure thing, no problem. I spent 10 minutes looking for his wallet before giving up. DH looked downstairs for his wallet while I looked upstairs and in the car. DH looked upstairs and in the car. We finally gave up and left. I had to drive instead of DH. We spent a whole day thinking DH's wallet was missing. Since he hadn't left the house in a week, we figured he lost it the last time he did leave. When we finally got back to the house DH found this gadget that links to your phone. When you lose your wallet, you phone pings the card and it makes a noise so you can find the wallet. Apparently, DH isn't the only one to have this problem. ;) Oh, and we found his wallet. Phew! It was in the pocket of his pants in the laundry basket. Which we BOTH checked, multiple times. ...