Still Exploring Small Spaces

Snuggling with the stuffed animals

TerraDactyl continues to climb into small spaces.  She seems to really like them.  She keeps finding more and more places to cram herself into. 

Da Da got new shoes!!

Our garden harvesting continues.  We're still getting rhubarb and asparagus, but we've added strawberries and raspberries!  It's been super rainy lately though, so harvesting the berries is less fun.  It's awkward enough crouching down when TerraDactyl is in her Tula carrier and grabbing at everything, but being rainy on top of that?  It's just too much.

First day's harvest

The other day, DH saw a weird bird hanging out on our hummingbird feeder.  We were extra confused when we saw a humming bird come in to eat and then leave the feeder.  We thought humming birds were super territorial, so we figured it would attack the other bird.  So, DH slowly crept out there to find out what kind of bird was just chilling there.  Turns out it was just a leaf.  But a very convincing leaf.

The elusive Canary Leaf

TerraDactyl has not only figured out how to open the door to my night stand, but she's also figured out how to climb inside the night stand (and back out).  She LOVES this game.  She'll play it for an hour straight.  Actually, I have no idea just how long she'll play this game because I always end up breaking first and moving her into a different room.

Now we'll practice opening and closing the door from THIS side...

Look ma!  Another tiny awkward place I can cram myself into!  Maybe TerraDactyl is training to become an escape artist.  Or a contortionist. 

Just hanging out with Dad after work.  I think TerraDactyl is considering a pig costume for Halloween.  She's checking out her improvised snout options.  ;)


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