Look UP!

Adding the fifth block!

TerraDactyl has made great strides in her play with wooden blocks.  She can stack a tower of five blocks!  All by herself.  But I think the most impressive development happened last night.  While I was putting all the wood blocks back in their bag, TerraDactyl picked up a block and put it in the bag, too.  She continued to put half a dozen or so blocks into the bag, only pulling a few of her favorites back out.  I've tried to coax her into helping me pick up at bedtime before, but she chose to help all on her own this time. 

And now it's time to fall!  Muahahaha!

You know in horror/action movies how the people are always looking around for the bad guys on the ground level?  They never look up?  Well.  TerraDactyl is not going to be one of those poor dupes.  She's definitely aware of the ceilings, and light fixtures, and projection clocks.  But her favorite object right now is the smoke detector just outside the kitchen.  She points at it every time we pass under it.

After emptying the entire DVD shelf, she found the Tick and carried it everywhere

 I decided that I would cross stitch TerraDactyl a growth chart.  I thought it would be nicer than a paper one.  My mom started a cross stitch growth chart for my older sister, but then she had my brother, and then me.  And that poor chart never got finished.  So I decided to learn from her mistake.  I would make a simple version, not nearly so ambitious.  I'll just have a line every six inches with a different woodland critter scene featured.  It's going well so far.  I've got two out of ten panels done so far.  Here's hoping I actually finish mine...

There's the first height mark at 27"

 TerraDactyl has also been walking a bit more than she used to.  It's hard to crawl and carry things, so she's been going vertical more often.  And when we're outside she  prefers to walk on the concrete/asphalt probably because it's easier on her tender knees and hands.  Here's TerraDactyl reenacting Ian McKellan's "You shall not pass" Gandalf scene. 

She even got overconfident like Gandalf and took a tumble down after the Balrog...

I think the worst thing from TerraDactyl's perspective was that she got soaking wet.  It was raining, so the grass was super wet.  So we had a wardrobe change.  One day, she'll be able to traverse hills as well as flat ground.  :)


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