Eating Woes

Due to the whole COVID-19 social isolation and travel restrictions, our friends had to cancel their wedding.  Instead, they hosted a Zoom wedding ceremony and are hoping to have an in person celebration next year.  In a show of support we went ahead and dressed up for the ceremony - DH even shaved!  It's interesting raising a kid during social isolation.  I worry about TerraDactyl missing opportunities to meet people and play with other kids.  However, I do really appreciate the mute function on zoom.  It really reduces those "what if my baby ruins this wedding" fears.  :)  She did great at the wedding.  It was right after her naptime, so TerraDactyl was still super sleepy and snuggly. 

Attending our first virtual wedding
We've hit a small snag in the eating department.  A few days ago TerraDactyl basically decided that she was switching to a Cheerio-only diet.  After a day of eating basically nothing but Cheerios, we removed that option from her diet.  She relented a bit.  She started eating a bit of fruit (peaches and bananas), and some beans, but she straight up rejected the peas and carrots I was trying to introduce.  It's been a few days of picking up every pea/carrot from the floor, but I do think she's finally eating some of them.  There was also a lot of drama over breast feeding during this time-period.  TerraDactyl decided that if she couldn't eat Cheerios, she would just up her nursing schedule.  So we also had to go a bit hard line on how much she was allowed to nurse.  For the first couple days, she burst into tears and demanded nursing every time I walked into the room.  I basically spent the weekend hiding from TerraDactyl.  Today went better, but the morning was a bit rough.  It's also brutal trying to get advice about toddler diets online.  People are SO incredibly judgy!  "That's what you get for feeding your child a sugary cereal like Cheerios!"  Um...  we're not talking about Oreos.  They're Cheerios.  This is basically the only source of iron in my kids diet.  Except for the one leaf of spinach I can maybe get her to eat at a time.  After an afternoon trying to find helpful advice I re-affirmed my choice to avoid social media (aside from blogging).  I really don't need the whole mommy-sphere shaming me.  My loyal 14 readers are waaaay nicer in their comments.  ;)

We really struggled with attention during the photo shoot

As you may have observed, after a weekend avoiding TerraDactyl, I don't have as many pictures to share.  BUT, I do have this great video of DH sharing the joys of "no" with TerraDactyl.  This will in no way come back to haunt us.


  1. You were shamed for feeding her Cheerios? A.J. grew up on Pop Tarts, he turned out OK.

    1. Well, I didn't actually post a question, I just found a question that was basically the same as mine. A mom was asking about a 2 year old that would only eat Cheerios, not a 14 month old, but I figured it was close enough. I think the internet encourages all sorts of mommy wars. Over breast feeding, cloth vs disposable diapers, public/private/homeschooling... pretty much every possible choice and you'll find someone wiling to shame you for it.


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