A Walk on the Beach

Post hike cool down

We went on a hike near the coast.  It was super sunny and hot during the hike.  Afterwards, we decided to go to the beach to cool down a bit.  In the 20 minutes it took us to get on the beach the wind picked up, the clouds completely covered the sky, and the temperature had dropped 20 degrees.  Not exactly an ideal trip to the beach.  But we still had fun.  Here is TerraDactyl's first experience with standing/walking in the sand:

And here is TerraDactyl's second experience in standing in sand.  We tried wet sand, so that it would be a bit firmer.  The original video is 7.5 minutes long and I cut it off after TerraDactyl made a friend.  Another little girl ran up to her and started talking at her and trying (unsuccessfully) to get TerraDactyl to interact with her.  Anyways, all told, TerraDactyl stood there in the same place for more than 10 minutes before DH finally gave in and just picked her back up. 

The garden is still producing like crazy.  We've got sooo many raspberries.  It's amazing.  I tried dehydrating some and they turned out really well.  A few years ago DH and I picked up an American Harvester dehydrator from Goodwill.  We haven't used it much, but it worked great on the raspberries.  It was totally worth the $10 or whatever we paid for it.  :D

Beautiful dehydrated berries

TerraDactyl is still a bit too small for her rocking chair, but she seems to enjoy sitting in it.  But she requires a LOT of supervision.  She's got zero fear, so standing up in a rocking chair seems like a totally reasonable thing to do to her.

Chilling like a boss

Oddly enough, despite being a fan of making huge messes, TerraDactyl also seems to enjoy playing with cleaning tools.  I'm not sure that she would actually accomplish any cleaning, but here she is attempting to mop.

Look at that sad puppy in the background...


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